Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

yes i just want them to feel extra pressured to obvtown themselves today :joy_cat:

@TeamSlightlyPolish get outtowned by a buncha retired players lmao

W!Chloe wouldn’t bring me to F3


would w!katze bring you to a F3

would w!aelin bring us to a F3

  1. Fuck if I know
  2. Yes


i’d rather actually win the game then risk a snapvote losing it cause someone wanted to be a hero
we all want to finally Do The Winning Thing but u don’t preplan that shit it just happens

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W!Brad would accept the challenge and bring you to F3 and regret it.

  • Brad

to be fair the LBW slot has pretty decent wolf equity in my eyes and if we miss today on someone who isnt LBW then i’d say it’s even higher unless y’all turn around and vote in a specific group of people that i think are town

if im alive with you in f3 im snapvoting you glgl

W!trochi doesn’t make it to f3 smh

I know.
I actually don’t want the pressure of making it to EoG.

I feel like if we dunk Leaf and I’m right, it’ll be sufficient to create an ‘Oh fuck’ and I might get spared from having to F3.

Honestly though, fair post. You’re right

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I’m going to be totally honest, I thought Litten was vigging us (…and orange was still hoping EG would be vigged) so I decided to get caught up on my actual real life internship rather than backreading the game or writing a wallpost or whatever

my current have-not-backread thoughts are that some of kat’s comments at EoD yesterday kind of felt like they knew that Wind was going to flip V and were trying to set us up to get misvigged off of it (more the second thing than the first thing, kat wasn’t really trying to hide the first thing)

and that their opener today is relying on Chloe being like ‘oh I’m such a bad polarized wolf please townread me’ which hasn’t been true in months, maybe years



chloe has made like 2 posts this day phase


I’m going to need more details from both of you on wtf went down with your slot’s read on Wind, like, you seemed to be pretty strongly disagreeing on what alignment she was but it didn’t really feel like you were actually trying to work it out between you? and instead you just let Chloe push her without really considering kat’s read, while kat was busy leveraging a sort of ‘oh no she’s going to flip town! anyways’ type attitude

that probably sounds like more of an accusation than a question and it is an accusation but it is ALSO a question

but like it kind of feels like their modus operandi yesterday was ‘pocket us for a day to try to get Wind out, then immediately try to use that as an excuse to push us’ (which they were explicitly setting up for yesterday by being all like ‘oh if Wind flips town shoot TSP’)

chloe: wind wolf
katze: i dont really think so
chloe: ur dumb
katze: no

katze makes a few posts in thread along the lines of “wind is literally locktown lol” for fun


chloe: fucking iso them
katze: bet

katze: yeah i mean shes not obvtown? but shes not like, obvwolf wind

katze: do whatever u want tho this is ur game not mine

this is probably not actualyl that accurate

ok I went back to find the post and apparently it was a you post not a Chloe post

so now I’m more confused

btw everything so far was Arete, orange isn’t here yet

i want to call this post wolfy but deep down i know you’re just areteting

“im not good at wolfing” - has the 2021 best wolf award on MU
“you’ve historically had a great read on me” - brad and i have only played together in dragonvale where he hard shielded me
“and shielded me” - see above

chloe is reminding me that she was panicked at EoD and i was kinda just vibing

yeah I mean the first thing was why I parsed it as a Chloe post I think since from you it’s just obviously not true rather than obviously-not-true-but-she-might-think-she-could-get-away-with-it

I obviously don’t know your and Brad’s game history together :joy_cat: