Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

kiiinda tinfoiling that cat was specifically trying to get us vigged off of Wind’s flip because orange was shielding MR and if we had been vigged they would basically have a free MR misexe today because no one else really townread them

but maybe that’s stupid

if it wasnt abundantly clear our hydras strategy was basically

rand town = chloe does the work, i vibe and do katze things on the side

rand wolf = i probably do most of the work and we pretend we’re contributing equally or i decide i dont want to wolf and let her do all the work and try to setup our teammate if i think its gonna go poorly

since this hydra was like 95% chloe wanting to do it and me being like “ya sure why not”

im rly only saying this because chloe is both significantly more deflated than i am and also alternating between doing schoolwork and not being able to quite close the thread and commenting things to me

what this leaves me in is a situation where im kinda just here, half out of obligation, half to be the inevitable mediator of thread panic when a D1 misyeet happens (and also now a misvig+dead vig)

here arete

preflip us town

who are teh wolves

I hard shielded Katze when she was mafia. So she was lying in that post.

Same with Chloe oddly enough in a game before the site went down.

  • Brad
every living player apart from us


the easy answer is that I fairly strongly townread FPSers, Birdbee, and Dum, which leaves Kii + LBW

which in that world means Kii has been trying to hardbus LBW for basically the entire game? which isn’t completely out of the question, I’ve seen PKR hardbus before and he seems to struggle a fair amount with TMI as a wolf, but I do think that ‘cat is a wolf’ is an easier answer

the other possibility is that one of my top three has a misclear, if it were somehow confirmed to me that that was the case then … it’s possible I’m underestimating Dum’s scumrange, I’ve never actually seen him wolf and I’ve heard he’s not completely incompetent, and he is partnered with eevee? but again the ‘cat is a wolf’ theory is easier

9:40 PM

9:49 PM

can you explain why idrc goes from near the bottom to your literal highest nonclaimed PR read, and myself and kiiruma go down a lot in the span of 9 minutes?

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the first one was posted by orange and the second one was posted by Arete and those are slots that we disagreed on

and this influenced your read on our slot exactly zero apparently for what reason?

that was also posted by orange

…thats the point

are you two disagreeing on slots and just not talking to eachother about them?

we are talking to each other we just don’t totally agree on literally everything

for example with that particular read I was like ‘orange you said the same thing about Mac in G10’ and he was like ‘but this time I’m right’ (this is a paraphrase)

or with idrc the main thing is that I’m reading Dum and he’s reading eevee


so if we take away the flipped players and yourself

idrc is oranges literal top town, and your literal top wolf

how has this developed overnight

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we basically didn’t talk overnight so it didn’t really

(also you said that backwards)


this may come off as accusatory but

have you… ever done that in any other hydra game as town?

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we did it … definitely after the Cheap misexe, I think after the S&B exe as well but I’d have to double-check?

and idr how much we talked overnight in game 1, I was pretty checked out of that game since I was spending basically all of my mafia time on the poisoner game


my issue is that

from what i remember of us hydraing together (and backreading said hydra chat a bit) we were basically talking to eachother about each and every read we had at chloe/katze levels of not shutting up for most of the game

[this is written after everything else: it does bring me additional concern that you two seemed to not discuss these reads during the day more, now that i think about it; i know me and you argued about mist for like half of H20G3 and while we probably presented different takes in thread we still talked about a minor disagreement a lot]

obviously orangeandblack5 is not katze but arete is arete

and obviously it is not november of 2020 (wow it was really that long ago?) but it is feburary of 2022

and the situations are different – but i do think we both believed we had decently high “getting NKed” equity for a few nights of that game

idk. i definitely want you to be a wolf, because this game feels like it makes more sense if you are and also i doubt that if we’re V/V that other people will buy it just out of paranoia sake

and i can tell that you, if village, have similarish feelings about our slot – and if you’re a wolf then you’re presenting that mindset decently well and are aiming to get us killed before you die cuz… ldo

your responses just now are Fine, and frankly i don’t actually think that a village arete would be townier in them, maybe a wolf arete would be wolfier?

part of me is tempted to propose a truce between our two slots today, but i still think your wolf equity is too high to go through with that :person_shrugging:

might be better for the threadstate, though. would probably just say to kill idrc or LBW with fire in that case.

i’ll be back later, chloe might show up? idk i think she’s stopped reading the thread and is focusing on homework so no promises there. i think i’ve done my job tho.

might lurk for a bit in case you respond just in case, no promises

ok so this is a dumb point but I asked and apparently it’s legal to send screenshots of things from old games so here’s the entirety of our hydra chat the night after Cheap was misexe’d in G10:


and here’s our hydra chat from G1 going into F4 (this was also a 48 hour night):


if you really care I can also grab G10 hydra chat after the S&B exe although we did talk a little bit there

acknowledged, don’t care about your H21G10 chat after i died

still not here, i’ll take that as “sure, i can buy that a hypothetical v!TSP didnt talk that much overnight”

id comment on the fact that you realistically shouldnt expect to be vigged on that V flip but yknow given your track record of taking vig shots i cant blame you

back out again, probably for the night