Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

can you go yell at Brad to explain his read on cat

brad literally posted in thread 2 minutes ago
he is in thread
im only being a messenger if i get paid in robux smh


does anyone want to get into a fight

(I think you two are off compared to other hydra games of your pairing Iā€™ve seen from the skim I did on my 15min break that is over now. I can and likley will look closer when I get home or the other gets to it sooner.)

If it wasnā€™t obvious itā€™s me Kanade Ruby

that doesnā€™t really answer my question, which I had a very specific reason for asking

but w/e you can answer when you get home


(To your specfics you are asking I donā€™t think is relevant so no?

I just think your reactions early felt very off and was one post I felt was extremely self aware.

Will grab exacts when am home)

okay best possible outcome yes
whatā€™s your strongest opinion iā€™ll debate it

Hiiiii Arete!

Iā€™m being honest, both Cat players have snowed me individually in games in the past, and I would be more cautious when it comes to reading them.
Since I have Aelin in the hydra with me and last game I was in with her, her reads were pretty much on point and this game sheā€™s been significantly faster than me in every way. She stated that she townreads the Cat hydra in both the thread and in our chat and Iā€™m perfectly fine with sheeping the read and supporting it with my almighty shield.


I mean you were saying orange and I were out of sync with each other which felt sort of Off to me as a reason since orange has posted exactly once

which is why I was trying to get you to clarify since if you meant something else it could be a reason-you-actually-believe and if you were misinterpreting some of my posts as orange posts it could also be a reason-you-actually-believe

I had something else I was going to say but I forgot what it was

hey brad while youā€™re here
will you be doing more of what we discussed in dms

nvm I remembered what it was but itā€™s not a super relevant comment

maybe im just dumb and fearing things that dont exist
entirely possible; done before by yours truly
gonna quote stuff this time (but i stg if it ruins stuff I will never forgive you.)

coming back from the shower I am now realizing that im gonna have no idea where I left off in reading thread, so Iā€™m gonna have to like actually use the bookmark feature. dear god.


whats up im here and I no longer smell (i still do)(dont tell people that tho)

yeah ok Iā€™ll incoperate this into my line of thinking from here on out

do you have any scumreads/leans?

i havenā€™t played ToS in so long

have arete and orange hydrad before?


This meaning?

  • Bradland

oh I was joking about how orange isnā€™t here

havenā€™t we dmd like exactly once
but all that stuff you told me you did to be a good town leader

/vote leafiabutworse

go on

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i voted them what else did you expect