Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

well I initially voted them because Wind was not being townie, and normally she is very townie as town and I didn’t like how Wind was like ‘well I’m not going to try to be villagery’ which isn’t really how she normally plays and some of her reasoning made no sense in a way that sounded fake and also I thought them freezing up after Engineer claimed vig was kind of yikes, like they were a wolf who didn’t know how to react once their designated misexe had been taken away from them

and then once I started pushing them they responded by ATEing and being all like ‘why isn’t anyone listening to me!!’ rather than literally anything else, even though their only actual focus at that point was on the vig claim which didn’t really make sense, and then when I kept pressing them she OMGUS’d and then went back to ATEing

none of which made me particularly inclined to not vote her

also she was basically dead center in the overlap between my PoE and orange’s PoE, which otherwise had some Noticeable Disagreements


I’m not going to humor this with a response

If you have a genuine question, please use your words

It’s a “what?” to every single line of your post.

  • Hi eevee glad to see you instead of Dum (no offense Dum)

  • You are henceforth forbidden from mentioning that you told us not to shoot TL in my presence

  • Also are you purposefully attempting to play like you did in CoD or no

she says no, but is indeed treating aret like theyre a wolf

also hi im like half here
my reads are back in idfkland


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also i dont give u shit about the vig shot thats marshal and kat smh

I don’t believe this though. Weren’t you in that wolf chat in Poisonous when Windward was stating “I want to chill out in games and not force myself to high post, however people are going to look at it as me being wolfy if I don’t go hard like I do every game?”

I don’t like the read off of the Windward vig claim reaction. Like what else was she going to do when the slot was tunneling her for reasons of “vibes” when she’s trying to just be in the game? What reaction should she have given to make you town read her?

  • Brad
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That’s not even what I meant

Almost every question kat asked is either hypocritical or factually incorrect in ways he literally knows better

I’d have felt reasonably good about a “yes I was trying to piss them off to read their tone” but if that isn’t the case I’m just lost


Kat literally commented on how “oh you guys pocketed each other gg” at the time and is now asking Arete about my reads and I literally don’t know how that could not be intentional

im gunna try a new approach since clearly whatever the hell i was doing yesterDay isnt workin

does anyone have any slots that they see as distinctly unpaired, and if so, why?

imma start rereadin stuff


“Oh, whoops, my fault, I’m going to look elsewhere while you continue to tunnel me and be a pain in the ass.”

  • Brad

im just gunna fwd this to her bc im not gunna pretend like i uhnderstand how her brain works

also imma stop signing until kat comes back ftr



@idrc who are the wolves?

Not Arete but feel inclined to point out that postcount and towniness are not really correlated and unless I misunderstand what she meant here then A her wanting to post less shouldn’t matter and B she ended the day 3rd top poster so I don’t think that’s grounds for townreading her anyways

Frankly I’m much more regretful that I didn’t pay more attention to Wazza - wind was straight wilding, yes, but I never made an effort to talk with Wazza (who I have more experience with) after she came back from playing Stellaris.

Frankly I was fully expecting her to CC EG - when she didn’t, it was moreso a matter of me having thought she was specifically pr/wolf than her specific reaction to the vig claim (and I said as much several times). That being said, not CCing but still pushing the vig seemed super desperate and wind spent most of the rest of the day kinda lashing out at people in a way where I just couldn’t get into her mindset at all. It’s hard to say what she “should have done” given she was town, but I was really looking to see where she turned her attention with her main push claimig vig and suffice to say “nowhere” was not what I was hoping for.

Wazza just didn’t exist
Idrk how else to put it
I don’t think wazza made more than 30 posts


idk if this is directed at us but we weren’t “continuing” anything because up to that point I’d been hard-shielding wind internally

my issue with Wind wasn’t that she wasn’t hyperposting, or even that she wasn’t tryharding, it’s that she wasn’t being villagery. if she’d been postcapping but being equally-not-villagery I would still have thought it was suspicious – in fact my read here was partially influenced by Moison (in which she had like a thousand posts and none of them were villagery)

more-or-less anything would have been better than, immediately after the claim when she had previously been actively posting in the thread, vanishing from the thread for close to an hour, which is what she did

and I mean … just because that slot had been tunnelling her for “vibes,” doesn’t excuse her continuing to tunnel the slot after they claimed vig and basically not making other reads until she was forced to, like I’ve had people this game push me for “vibes” and not only have I not been tunnelling them after they claimed vig I haven’t been tunnelling them at all

idk what reaction would have made me townread her but if she hadn’t vanished in direct response to the vig claim and had had a less excruciatingly narrow view of the game I probably wouldn’t have scumread her as much? maybe I’m wrong and I’d have read her wrong regardless, but


Imo she was being vaguely villagery by the end of the day, which was why I shifted her out of my scum leans and had her as >rand V


As you can see, it’s the slot our views were in closest alignment on

…I mean, cool? personally I didn’t find anything from her villagery even when I was actively trying to understand her PoV