Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

Basically my position is:

Cat is almost always town.

If Leafia is Wolf then I’d go for Birds and if thats wrong (idk what final 3 would go like) but my prioeiry list would go TSP > FPSers > IDRC > Yall

If Leaf isnt wolf then we have to hit twice in a row.
I’d go for TSP, then probably IDRC. If IDRC are killed then I’d be looking at FPSers and Birds both on a fairly equal level probably panicking for the hell of the situation we’re in.

Can everyone give me their reasons for townreading Dum/eevee

I’ve yet to re-iso them so my memory might not be right but fmpov nothing they’ve done is outside the range of a Reasonable Wolf

They talk threadstate and mafia theory but haven’t actively done a single thing to progress the game in a positive direction

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Eevee’s a very skilled player. I know its entirely possible eevee is being chaotic and just going for it in thread but I think it was a bit overt.

I’ve also never ISO dived so f me this’ll be a challenge

On mobile. I have on laptop funny enough

Why are birds most likely paired w Leafia again?

The first post on LBW.

The second

Number 3

Number 4

All of these are far too just… in the open just breaking into thread and stopping stuff. I dont see eevee (communicating with Dum) being ok with them just going this hard into things about a partner and a non-partner.

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Imma fwd these to my assistant and get back to u on whether or not we agree

You’re town.

IDRC’s coaching followed by too overt posts imo for eevee to allow.

LBW and FPSers had a weird 2 posts which I dont think seem teamed. Since I think LBW planned on using it to push FPS later but forgot about it.

So that leaves you with tsp and bird

Of whom you’ve already agreed you think bird’s iso is townie and free from tmi

This might seem loaded/leading and i cant think of a better way to word it but why do somewhat weak (imo) unpairings have higher value to you than the fact that that trochi walks and talks like a villager

And whats your individual read on tsp? Townier than bird?

Im just tryina understand why you think bird is the most likely partner cuz im p confident theyre v and i’d rather them not get chained if we happen to flip w!leafia today lol

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I’ll answer when on laptop .
Mobile is a nightmare.
Idk how yall do it

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Yea take your time i gotta go for a bit anyways


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The last part #4 was on TSP, I remember now why I had them as less likely than Birds but more than everyone else.


kiiruma i’m going to bully you again

my dude
you make no sense yet again and i’m confused as to why u keep scumreading me when i’m obvtown

I townread you as a slot.
I scumread you DUE to Leafia.
Pls no bulli.
If it’s not you I’m fairly sure it’s TSP.

And anyway if Leafia’s clear then I think you’re probably clear too

we’ve got left


2 wolves (lol) within these

i don’t think fpsers or 2wolves is scum even if kiiruma is being dumb again
cat is theoretically possible but gut says no

this leaves

in hydra chat abby and i are thinking team is tsp and lbw
not only are they both individually scummy but nothing to rule out that specific team
abby brought up a specific post she didn’t like from lbw that implicated those two
and sure idrc could hypothetically be scum if one of the above two aren’t but i haven’t read them enough to confidently have a read either way and i should probably do that

so what i’m hearing is if we punt leafia ur eyes will open
jk…unless :flushed:

but my partner and i think tsp and lbw have a lot of team equity, what specifically do you see that disproves that

See yall even agree with my end result even if you don’t like being first on the block over TSP. We’ll play that by ear.

I’m like 100% sure on LBW.
The final wolf I’ve said many times is between yall and TSP lmao