Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

yeah yeah sure
tldr is you’re wrong on me again and if you’re town i do get to bully you at least a little

this ends my bathroom popin later nerds ping if needed

hi, its me YBW, sorry I havent been in thread at all I was playin games last night and tired, but im here now and think theres no issue with me quoting posts? hopefully? anyway itll make it easier to read which is good

Thoughts about the flips: So, I was right about HH which makes me feel good and also gives me a lot of validation honestly. I probably should’ve been louder about my thoughts but hindsight is 20/20. Honestly after Engineer rescinded the vig claim I really wanted them to get shot but they were vig in the end so that makes more sense. I was wrong on that read, but I still think theres probably a wolf between them and kiiruma, and now that they’ve flipped town I think kiiruma is probably a wolf with how hard they were pocketing them. May have figured out they were vig or thought they were vig beforehand and wanted to get on their good side? MelodyRhythm is a slot I barely remember honestly, I think I had them at like nullscum, but that was it. Honestly kinda suprised Engineer didnt shoot my slot since they were actually vig. Thats all

oh sick a new postcap

leafia is RIGHT
but then again I don’t think they’re a villager so I’m not expecting a re-eval lmao

think I was already in bed when this was posted lmao

I was really mad at first they went over, but overtime I dont think it was like, the worst thing? They were a slot we were gonna have to solve at somepoint bc wind/wazza surviving to f3 is scary (even if they are more readable then), but I think at this point I feel like i need to stop shrugging cat off and maybe start looking at their posts as if theyre coming from scum. I get really nervous when Ir ead like high level players bc I feel like I’m always gonna be wrong when I read them, but I could try to kindve break through that barrier and give better reads on people. Still scary tho

u could alos read me, me and leafia share a body, I was gonna go into more detail descrbining that but decided I dont want ot

I think there may be a wolf between the two but I mainly just dont think either’s posting has been super duper great, not just bc they’re wrong (tho that is a good point)

watch me

self vote, let it rand, yeah baby
probably you honestly? but I think that may just be that TSP hasn’t been in my mind as a player since they havent been posting as much as you, so while I think its jsut recency bias I think youve been a bit scummeir than TSP
tho tbf this social experiemtn will never happen and there will be more content to read and etc etc

what the fuck
why do people always have to make me google words :sob:

lowkey dont like this vote
but I think thats just aelin

i dont think this is true at all

it kinda is actually, I dont think she tries super hard to be townread, more so to just do things

anyway I honestly really dont like this post

wheres vulgard when you need him

I don’t like any of the posts arete/orange (idk who made which ones) just made, they all feel like theyre overexplaining a lot and none of their reasons raelly make sense?

am I the only person who like always townread them

I wanna say hes a wolf but I cant think of who he’d be partnered to. Maybe idrc or one of you/TSP, but honestly he could eb partnered with a lot of people. I still think he’s scum however, I just don’t like


imd one

team is just idrc/kiiruam i can explain more, half o fthe purpose for the readlist was to organize my thoughts and I have them organized now so

Lol get wrecked.
Also damn, you’ve went from me/EG to me/IDRC huh?
I do enjoy that YBW :slight_smile:

im in a bad mood now might go cool off and eat or something
I dont think I can properlly express how upset I am


That’s it?

Please do some thinking - scum would do this beocuse…, it seems that’s the case here becouse… .
Town would do this becouse…, it seems that’s the case here becouse … .


Right now you are in general repeating mistake of day 1 - which is… not thinking.
You just read 3000 posts and said how you “feel” afterwards.

Instead of posting another hundreds of posts, slow doen and think about others posts. Seriously.

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Hugs YBW comfortingly Trochi, you’re far from obvious town here and I personally feel the most likely scumteam is Trochi/2Wolves at this point, although idrc could possibly be a wolf. I’ll think about that if we hit lylo though. Trochi is just being so LAMIST here and I don’t like it. As for my isos of cat and TSP, I’ll do them now in my next post. :sleepingleafeon:

So let me get this all straight:

  1. When I say Birds and LBW might be a team, Birds roasts me and overall agrees with my second team choice.
  2. YBW goes from 2Wolves/EG team to 2Wolves/IDRC team when I said IDRC is probably evil should LBW be inno.
  3. Leaf comes in saying that it’s probably Me/Trochi which at this point I feel like YBW/Leaf are just desperate to try and get me out lmao.


Okay, but why?

Okay, but why?

Okay, but why is it scummy? Or why is it townie?

Oky, but why?

Okay, but why do you think there is wolf betwen them?
And was pocketing scummy or townie and why?



Is it scum motivated?
Or could it happen with town!birds?
And why?

Is it scum motivated?
Or could it happen from town PoV?
And why?

What do they gain from doing this as scum? Is it worth it?
Could they also do it from town PoV?

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roasting you is fun and also warranted

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  1. Not scum motivated. Could easily happen with town!birds. Because Trochi roasted me the same as in last game but I just found it amusing.
  2. Uhh yeah it’s scum motivated. Could be from town POV but they’re going from any possible person they can create sus on and me. They went for EG D1 when EG was relatively townread and now IDRC (yall) who’s not too townread but not scumread either. It feels like YBW is trying to throw shade as well as possible on everyone.
  3. The fact is, if LBW goes down, I never go down. And if I go down, LBW is down next. They’re gaining an attempt at a 1-for-1 because they know that they can’t go for Cat being teamed with me because of how townie they are and the fact that Chloe/Kat would basically destroy them if they try it. Same with Arete/Orange. It could be from town, very technically anything could. But it just isn’t.

*Also Arete/Orange is backup team with LBW so they wouldn’t have tried that anyway and them trying to argue me/Birds makes me feel a tad better about Birds

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Wouldn’t it be simpler to go after suspicious people? What are they gaining from shading not-suspected people?
Let’s spiece it up with some meta - is YTB a person who would first care about own survival or rather actively throw shade at others? Does it fit your theory?

And do they seem to setup stuff for days ahead? Where?

Wouldn’t it be easier to just misslynch, rather than setup mafia 1v1?
Do they seem like trying to create a thunderome? And if so, why with mafia in it?

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Cat first and their very first real post. I’m not putting much stock in it though since it wss SoD1.

Not sure what this is supposed to be or if it was serious. It gives me weird vibes though because of how shady it sounds.

I’m inclined to think cat wasn’t being serious here. Next post.

This is the first post that I think was at least semiserious and I don’t like how it didn’t have any explaination added to it. It feels >rand w.

Hmmm, I can somewhat understand what cat was getting at here even if I didn’t agree with it. It does feel like a valid thought though.

Sounds LAMIST to me, and v!Chloe isn’t usually that way. >rand w

This just doesn’t exactly sound like something a villager would say, but coming from Katze, I’m not 100% confident that it’s exactly wolfy for them.

I think that’s enough for a proper iso but one further reservation I have with this slot is that Chloe has a godread on me so why is she so uncertain of my alignment this game? It just seems really weird to me and it scares me. Her questioning me earlier did feel somewhat villagery, but like Wind pointed out, that could come from either a villager or a wolf. I think cat has slipped down to a scumlean for me honestly, although I’m not 100% set on that read being right. There’s just too much stuff about cat’s slot that weirds me out to call her a villager.

Now for TSP.

Very first post. NAI I think.

Not sure if this is AI or not but it’s something from their iso that I like.

This honestly sounds like a villagery thought process to me. >rand v.

I can understand TSP’s concern here. I think I would’ve been concerned too had I known about that.

From TSP’s other posts, their progression on cat makes sense. I do think it’s NAI though. Just worth mentioning.

Knowing how I am, this reason for leaning me town sort of makes sense, but it does give me weird vibes. I have been improving my wolfgame after all. I’m slightly tinfoiling that this is TMIing me town.

Most of TSP’s posts between this one and the last one sound pretty solvy and I like them. That includes this one too. It doesn’t sound like Arete has TMI at all.

I do like how they’re trying to get a read on both of my heads and not just me there. It’s a good look.

This also sounds like a valid concern as well.

I’m starting to think that my scumread on TSP was mostly confbias and due to me not liking how they were treating my slot. I’m going to give TSP a slight townlean for now.

Would’ve been quicker but RL distractions really hounded me there for a while so I was slower than I would’ve liked to be. :sleepingleafeon:

yeah im ngl my dude this isnt anywhere close to unpaired lmfao


I mean, you’re not wrong lmao.
It was the slightest of things to me.

anyone know what vc is?


They seem really teamy. Like they’re trying to team up to misexe me.

This one was YBW’s post. The rest were too I think. :sleepingleafeon: