Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

lean towards LBW as the wolf in that hypothetical pairing

when I look holistically at Kii’s play, I think he is probably saying things he actually believes, which points to him not being a wolf-pushing-village-LBW – ime he generally struggles to convincingly make reads he knows are wrong as wolf

and LBW still has some things I can’t quite shake, like the vote-explain tell and the thing where they responded to pushes on them that were based on false claims by agreeing with the (demonstrably false!!!) claims by being like ‘oh well it wasn’t suspicious for me to do that’ rather than ‘wtf no I didn’t do that’

I also skimmed SCP Mafia since Leafia was claiming that she’d improved as a wolf and I agree that (apart from her literally outing her partners) she’s improved in her handling of TMI such that the fact that she isn’t blatantly TMIing everything isn’t so much a point in her favor. if she’s actually a wolf then, uh, lolher for pointing that out to me :joy_cat:

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cat I have another question for you but it sounds super loaded so just pretend it isn’t (I mean it is a little but less than it sounds)

how has being wrong on literally every flipped villager affected your view of the game

hey i wasnt wrong on litten by EoD smh

can you answer the question please

bruh i am i was just pointing out that ur a banana

idk what that means

[quote=“LeafiabutWorse, post:3477, topic:1161”]

YBW, you are one slot together with Leafia.
I don’t really care that you shift responsibility to other person in hydra.
If you don’t know what to answer, ask them. Discuss reads. Stuff like this, you know?

As per part in brackets - who said LAMIST stuff - Trochi of 2Wolves. How does it make them a scumteam?

If you followed my advice, would the yesterday lynch be the same?
If you followed Dum’s reads would the yesterday lynch be the same?

Answer is no for both questions.
Shifting blame from yourself for not following our advice by saying “you expected us to do more” is a joke.If you want to blame someone for current situation, blame someone who wasn’t trying to go against it.

Issue is that everyone was living in theirs own world, instead of focusing on trying to polish general reads.
You are doing pretty much the same today.

Before I continue, let me say something in seperare post.

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oh yeah also when you made this post what were you trying to claim was out of your wolfrange

im gonna answer anyway cause i want to
well you see it’s made me absolutely hate myself! this isn’t even an exaggeration
all i wanted this game was to step back a bit, teach abby the basics, and direct her the right way with Actually Good Reads
this obviously has not happened
i just wanted her to be proud of me and damn it i feel like im letting her and everyone else down
so what do you do now trochi you may ask
i sit down, i cry, and i tinfoil absolutely everything
there is a world i think most likely and have touched on multiple times already
however i am terrified it’s wrong, scrambling, and looking everywhere for things i may have missed

no i’m not super emotional rn why do u ask

what are your general reads eevee
can you give us like anything


You are playing damn hydra game, you have partner to run own reads through and analyze them.

No, not just “I think XYZ is scum” with response “Yeah, I agree”.

You have partner you can trust to do a whole reality check for you. To see if your vision is coherent. To ask questions about your own reads to see if they make sense.

Use it.

Like… most of reads I see are incredibly shallow “XYZ did something, hence he is scum”.
Where is all analysis if it matches the worldview? If it makes sense from scum or town PoV?
Where is the check if you are not being biased tunneled?

Use your own teammates ffs.
Becouse rn all existance of hydras is doing - is making it harder to read people, due to 2 peolpe occupying same slot.

Try to use hydras to own advantage, not to make game harder.


the internal hydra just likes to say i’m dumb and wrong and also scream
the external hydra is brand new and while i still think she’s doing really well obviously she doesn’t have experience and tends to just defer to me

came into the day hoping for a flipped wolf from le vig shot, or hoping we’d get nightkilled since we were trying (apparently unsuccessfully) to not interact with any Vig Stuff in a way that would spew us VT and try to maintain cover in the chance wolves weren’t sure EG was vig

EG died
Melody died
I died inside

katze posted SoD while i contemplated my life choices and freaked out about being incorrect and about how i feel like i Need To Be Correct today and thought about wtf i was doing wrong and went to go read newcomb’s article and kat linked me some newcomb posts from Champs But Different so i could try to shift mindsets

decided i need to actually put in effort during this Day phase, as opposed to yesterday where i was mainly relying on gut and snapreads
decided i need to try to solidify my townreads and make sure im not being snowed

i wanted to go the PoE route today and just box in wolves but i kinda found myself magnetized towards Kiiru’s ISO and thinking they were a wolf because of their tunnelvision on Leafia at SoD feeling fake so i wanted to take a look at that and potentially case them if i thought i was right
ISO’d them and was like nvm yeah this is just town tbh
ISO’d trochi and was like yeah this is just town tbh

ISO’d Leafia and was like yeah this is prob scum tbh

this is mroe than ur asking for but now im on a roll

idk its made me more motivated to Try and Put in Effort and change my approach and its also made me more anxious that we’re going to lose and it’ll be my fault


you know eevee you say all this but once you’re off your soapbox can you actually put some of this into action yourself please
you’re a good player and i’m sure we would all appreciate some of yalls insight rn


but it makes me feel less like a bad player to know that litten was wrong too lol


I legitimately believe LeafiabutWorse is the best elim today unless I can literally lock them in as town - which I feel like I should have been able to do by now if they were town

I’m at the point where I admit I’m confbiased but I’m trying to focus elsewhere for a bit then come back to the LBW/Kiiru stuff when its no longer on my mind


part of my issue here is that it feels like you basically just have the same reads you had yesterday

like the flips didn’t make you reconsider your worldview really at all (maybe a little bit FPSers but that hasn’t really been your focus)

and I feel like normally when you’re as wrong as you have been you put more consideration into reevaluation rather than ‘reevaluating’ to the same reads you had before you did

idk if I’m explaining that well

The flips did make me reconsider my worldview

I pretty much dropped everything and was like “idfk what my reads are anymore” and thought Kiiru (who was my top town yesterDay!) could be a wolf bc his SoD pinged me
So I ISO’d him - even thinking he could be a wolf, so I had somewhat of a conclusion in mind even though I was trying hard not to - and came out of it thinking he’s a villager

I had no real read on Trochi yesterDay and finally came to grips with the fact that I’ll have to actually try to read them and stop putting it off because of joy_wowee PSTD, so I went to do that and came out thinking they’re a villager

I thought I could be wrong on LBW since I was wrong twice already, so I went to ISO her and tried a different approach than I had been - where I was mostly focused on realtime microreads, and went in looking to see if it looked like she had TMI or if I could understand her thought process behind things - I couldn’t, and not in the normal “v!Leafia bounces all over the place” way

I townread your slot (orange, mostly) for all the Litten stuff and thought, going into EoD that you guys were extremely likely to be town
When Wind flipped I was like “well fuck” and talked to katze about it and we dropped you guys

FPSers slightly pinged us today but we both think Brad was doing v!Brad things with the Windy stuff, and I think Aelin has still been mildly villagery, but I’m not as confident on it toDay as I was yesterDay because I realize if I’m being snowed by one of my townreads yesterDay it’s them, which makes me wary to have them very high without at least checking their ISO again

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I legitimately barely posted this SoD because I was wondering where the hell I went wrong and how to fix it lol