Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

You should sweeb then

I should indeed.

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Meanwhile, I am waking up… again… I’ve been off and on all day


Wrong account Katze. :sleepingleafeon:

Im not paranoid of you cuz i don’t townread you

I feel like every game we play together I kinda idk skim your posts and don’t really a b s o r b them and this is definitely at least somewhat a me problem

I don’t have a read on you rly but from what I’ve read I haven’t gotten… any villagery pings? Like I can’t think of a single thing you’ve done thusfar that I’d call villagery

Kat thinks you’re lying about knowing one of her scumtells and from what I understand has a light scumread on u

I’ll give your iso a go at some point but can’t guarantee I’ll be able to do any isos by EoD so shrugze

I’ll get my assistant to


Ok kat says i suck at forwarding her reads but i think she sucks at explaining them to me so ignore the katze part of that last post i guess

U suck sister


Yes she does. Laughs I needed that laugh after today too. Thanks Katze. ^_^ :sleepingleafeon:

Now it would be a good idea to decide on the wagons for today. I personally think that given the state of the thread earlier that EngineerGaming and I wouldn’t be the worst of wagons for EoD. That should give good wagonomics.


Anyway, back to bed for me so good night everyone. :sleepingleafeon:

bite me chloe

to clarify i think

is just… flat out weird?

like, i know we have Talked about this in the sense that i am Aware that you think you know of a tell of mine (i don’t actually think we’ve played a single game together in which you have successfully correctly found me early, and you’ve only talked about this in games ive played and you spectated, but i kinda doubt it doesnt exist just cause i dont think u care enough to lie about it this long)

i was going to say that i assumed it was a scumtell cuz u wouldnt lie about that but i remembered your treatment of it during CTM being different and

stuff inside, probably not actually important

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tl said kat hasnt done whatever towntells she has yet


to be fair

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i did call that out during the game

they probably phrased it better but im paraphrasing here
they also called you something to the effect of pockety

which is plausible

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d3 had basically nothing and d4 was apothaut basically saying she vibed and nothing from you and d5 was ren calling me town and dying

this post is honestly more for my own use than anyone elses because halfway through it i realized i probably dont have a gotcha but i still find the initial TL quote to be pretty fuckin odd

especially since the only time ivereally seen it in action it’s been incorrect :joy_cat:

but hey whatever this is a small nitpick i felt like elaborating on because chloe is dumb

i dont uh. remember who we’re voting. and i don’t rly want to have a vote out rn. so imma just

/unvote @Host_Account_2


Thanks for running that by me

no problem

Oh eli
What would we do without you


ok so I was trying to catch up (am still not caught up) and I ran into another instance of Leafia defending herself from an accusation by Kiiruma that wasn’t even true rather than just saying it wasn’t true

(bolding by me)

the post that Kiiruma was quoting as ‘weird progression’ was about Leafia’s read on Eli/Litten, not on me/orange

but (like with the example I quoted earlier) Leafia, rather than saying that, starts trying to defend herself from an accusation of something she didn’t even do

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Weird uhum uhum intresting so the human emotion you are feeling is weird in which way like in a mental weird way or like a physical one (IE a chill).

  • Ruby

i like Leafia is just in an overly Defensicve/Stressful mindset so think that’s actually responable,

  • Ruby
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Couldn’t sleep and scratch it about my proposed wagons for today. I want EngineerGaming/TeamSlightlyPolish wagons instead. Both are likely wolves in my eyes after all.


ok but like if you quoted a post where I made a read on kat or someone and were like ‘wow Arete’s read on Eli is totally inconsistent with their read earlier’ I would be like ‘that’s about kat’ I wouldn’t be like ‘villagers can change their mind!!!’