Hydra-Optional Vig10er - Day 4 - Town Wins

ok but like I’m pretty sure that regardless of skill level forgetting what your reads were or who a specific post that you made was about, when the read/post was in the same day phase, isn’t a normal thing to do

if I’m typicalminding here someone please tell me



Holds :sleepingleafeon:

leafia let go of the leafeon its trying to sleep


i, personally, forget my reads while im making them
its a talent of mine


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is this chloe or katze


is this a serious claim

I am legitimately unsure

idk my fren i havent cared much for a while :joy_cat:


neither am i

It’s typical for me regardless of my alignment. I have trouble remembering my reads on everyone at thg times as both a wolf and a villager. :sleepingleafeon:

why does the writer of a joke post matter

will it help you solve our alignment

honest question (it was katze, im not signing my posts and dont intend on changing that, im also funnier than chloe)


unironically wolfy response


|Idk what larp means.

If i was trying to pocket you i would like try to use such influence.
Instead am just vibing.

  • Ruby

Lets go of the Leafeon :sleepingleafeon:

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it sounded like chloe!thoughts so i probably wouldve left you guys alone for a while if it had been chloe


Okay then anything based on MY tone this game?

  • Ruby

Live action role playing. :sleepingleafeon:



i dont even know who you are, much less your average tone :wowee: