Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

The part about me “poking at people.” I’ve done that but again it’s been a smaller scale but I’ve kind of echo’d the sentiments that Windward was saying in regarding Seth and Linear hard pushing Hood being apart of Seth’s wolf playbook.

I mean I was in the game during our hydra, but I was active during my normal active hours, which is typically after 4 PM eastern my time.
I’ve done that in this game as well, just today I had errands to run so I was later than usual.

Illwei and I have discussed reads but they’ve been kind of opposite each other which I’m not sure what kind of sign that shows.

  • B

is belle any good

This is Geyde

Apologies for the lack of activity
My condition is still predictably bad but the important thing is that I have midterms
Which also take up a majority of the time

I can answer some questions if anyone has them since I have time before I have something else to do

Who’s your Top Town?



am home
almost crashed cause everything is numb n fuzzy
gimme a min brad

I’ve elaborated on the point earlier
HH had a good sequence where they deconstructed your slot’s points against them real time without misrepping
The overall trajectory there is just a villager pov


I stand by everything I said in that initial post
Minus the fact that I haven’t read much since then compounding things but haha school

I gotta bounce

reply to that initial post with any questions and I’ll see if I can find some time before tomorrow to pick up on everything

eevee has been cooking up big things to get ready : P

I don’t know yet. Probably just gonna submit cheese and hope that Eli changes my mind.


Okay so reading through all of that and the follow ups I’m thinking…



I’m kidding.

Actual thought process

First of all the reaction coming from Arctic and Windward getting pissed about how people are playing regarding “playing like shit to get the gun” feels kinda genuine to me, pretty much matches how annoyed Min and Gghana were getting. Which makes me feel like both slots are town.

Generally feel the same with Kiiruma when dealing with that situation as well, although I also get a sense that he’s also mad at who was shot as well instead of whom he was wanting dead. Which brings us to the crux of this game so far which has been individualized reads getting pushed rather than working together as a group.

I was actually a little bit shocked more people weren’t doing that as well, because having a gun and the ability to shoot someone is always fun.
Thing is that I didn’t realize that there were only 3 misshots available, so the room for error is really thin so it makes sense to not play like shit. Just a generalized thought.

I don’t understand the thought of Sett when he was asking about me giving out a reads list, meanwhile he’s yet to do much whenever I ask him to do something. Just a massive question mark anytime I read his slot. This would be my spot to shoot if I had the gun.

So my TL:DR is that I’m thinking that Gold&Silver squad, Hood squad, and the 2W1H squads are town.
Still thinking that Sett is probably mafia. I’m not getting at all what he’s been doing, what Windward has said to me regarding tunneling someone is something Sett does as mafia. Problem is that he’s combative against doing much else. Would be my choice of shot.


Since you asked and want to have a back and forth on what’s going on. More than happy to oblige.

Also this has all been Brad.

  • Not Brad

i am back to do this before i go to sleep


this is my ultimatum

firstly i ask you not to shoot until tomorrow and instead use the option to pre-submit for the deadline so we maximise our time for discussion

i strongly do not think you should shoot cheese90. i think there are actively worse slots than them and the reasons to scumread them are all things i can plausibly see coming from a villager being misunderstood.

please consider shooting sonic. you were in higurashi and saw how obviously town dota was. you were in railgun and saw how lol was playing there. both took the initiative and tried to move the game somewhere. their play in this game is a complete 180 in terms of both of these things and i really think they are the easiest wolf

seth is my next preferred shot. the way he handled your slot, defending your playstyle without actually commenting on your alignment is exactly how wolf seth handles your slot when it’s in contention for being shot. they are also pushing on me for nonsensical reasons, as well as my top town (HH - which contains a head who i have never misread in my 1.5 years playing this game)

the common thing about both these slots is that they have no team dynamic going on behind the scenes like a villager slot would have. all they have commented on about their chats is that their other head agrees with their reads. this isn’t natural - villagers would have points of disagreement and nuance, and as HH pointed out earlier i’d go so far as to say it’s particularly uncharacteristic for seth, someone known to be loud and opinionated, to be this agreeable

i wouldn’t shoot SoS today, but i do think this slot is also a wolf. it contains a head who, in their past 2-3 village games, has either made themselves the most obvious villager in the game or blatantly spewed themselves as a villager. this game they have done neither. their other head is just as unimpressive and has, fmpov, shown hints of agenda on multiple occasions wrt to the early treatment of your slot, cheese’s slot, and treatment of seth’s slot

the next slot that i think is mafia is 2w1h but i don’t think they should be shot today. i can’t really elaborate on it much but the main reasons stem from uncharacteristic emotional behaviour. kiiruma made the most on the chin “everything is great” post just after BBB shot you, someone they townread. this is extremely uncharacteristic for kiiruma, someone known to repeatedly show the most over-the-top unwarranted emotive posts. and here there was just nothing. why? because they were happy with the gamestate. why would a villager who just had their townread shot be happy with the gamestate? not to mention, their townread of you came virtually out of thin air and was still basically never justified

no one is making waves or trying to challenge your shot of me or cheese, except for me. this means that wolves are either happy with the gamestate and we are villagers, or we are w/w. if you think we are w/w then i ask that you shoot us instead because i do not trust the cheese slot with the gun

good night


If you’re there, what reads are you having currently? Both sides of the spectrum, town and mafia reads.

Either head can answer this.

  • Brad

guys there is a creepy recording in my house and idk where it’s coming from its wtf

hello all, I am here now. while I have a general picture of the gamestate from my predecessor, I’m going to spend some time going over the slots that caused the most worry. I will be here to answer a few questions before I get to work on that.
