Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

Im not feeling very whelmed rn

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They said zwei flip why would i ask

Nvm then

ok the good part about this game now is the people in consensus for death would not actually be bad gun holders if v

I keep reading ww as werewolf lol

like kiiruma for example is either mafia TMIā€™ing everything or heā€™s been a 2/2 villager so far (which i dont think many people can claim)

in other words, if heā€™s mafia he is



Alright Iā€™m home but Iā€™m not understanding something.
Zwei was saying that if they were shot then theyā€™d shoot me.

And they knew they were mafiaā€¦ so were comments like that just WIFOM?
If Seth got his way and instead I was shot there, then Seth would have to have known that theyā€™d be down next.

Were mafia just relying on perhaps Cheese being mis-shot?

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Honestly I think comments like this will cause so many people to wolfread me lmfao.
ā€˜Kiiruma being 2/2 is unspeakable, we must kill himā€™


where tf did he say that
heā€™s been saying he would shoot me in his most recent posts and HH earlier

yes this is what we have most likely concluded

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like sethā€™s gambit this game was by scumreading me and HH, he wanted to scare us from saying to shoot him because he was threatening to shoot us

this doesnā€™t apply to you like, at all so iā€™m kinda mrrā€™ed by the fact youā€™re spinning it around to make you look better when it really applies to other people

Not read thread, got told about the flip

cheese is scum based on the Seth flip and Iā€™m extremely confident on this, I was talking about this with Wind earlier

I think he said it as an impulse reaction to Kii threatening to shoot him?

I kinda disagree now tho

ok if this actually happened then yes it looks better for kiiruma but i thought he just meant a random comment when someone asked him who he would shoot lol

No I donā€™t think it was random it was in response to something and Kii said a couple times he really REALLY wanted Seth dead

Iā€™m fairly sure it happened.
IDK for sure because rn Iā€™m in a damn sweet coma.
Remind me not to have 2kg of sweets in 8 hours and then go to university


Holy shit

I feel so fā€™ing ill. I have like no energy.
My sugar crash is the fā€™ing stock market crash on steroids rn

I did that at work earlier this week tbh
Mistakes were made
I was completely dead in the middle of the afternoon