Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

i literally do not remember seth talking about cheese at all outside of accusing someone of TMI’ing them town

ok maybe
dont do that then


I can’t vote
I take it back popcorn sucks

I do not remember a single post from brad+illwei outside of the copypasta
This is probably a sign from the heavens

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yeah idk what to do with that slot it’s probably going down due to recency bias


I kinda just feel like turboing in a 2 set
There’s a few slots this game that just kinda have to go and I’m not sure they’ll clear themselves

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as it is simply a request to talk to her, which would be beneficial to both of us, I will attempt what I can without causing significant distress.


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they cant clear themeslves if we turbo them

also i dont know what slots you were referring to but rn SoS is one that falls into that category for me anyway

SoS felt like a scum slot that was trying to set up an endgame to win
I just haven’t felt that from anyone else particularly strongly

this in particular is why I am a strong advocate for us to be the next shot.


@GoldAndCrystal dont try to pull out one of the trochis interact with the one that is in the slot as it is please and thank you


If you were, then who would you wish to shoot after?
I’m assuming that a wolf doesn’t just go ‘I agree for us to be shot’

thinking bradwei/sos
I think kii can be solved but I haven’t read it outside of people’s quotes on it

i told aelin this earlier before the shot but i think the player that can be described best by the notion of “who is playing the most like a wolf in this gamestate” is SoS. the way their read on seth ended up changing with the thread temperature. the way they effectively ignored the lol/dota slot while waiting for me to end up getting it shot if it’s a villager or ignoring it but not advocating for its death if it’s a wolf. the way they pretty much ignored discussion on cheese and made no attempt to discuss or influence the shot. the way they’ve been struggling with trying to keep me/HH/you in the PoE (i am assuming you are not both wolves or i suck). i think they are the one holding the wolfteam together and it’s kinda obvious when you look at the bigger picture


so many things to do
so little time


this is on top of the fact that troch is normally an obvious villager at this point in the game and they are not

The moment I accused cheese, Seth appeared out of nowhere suddenly defending him and then just disappeared from the thread

Just mark me as town and accept it nerd

most of the wolves have probably said this tbh

I thought your slot was a wolf in deus ex
I kinda have to slow my roll