Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

this is literally what he does with LHF villagers
dude you were in railgun, you saw how he was treating jake (or maybe you didn’t)
defend them for bullshit reasons, TMI them town, but then let them die anyway

I know but I mean precisely POST the Seth shot.
Beforehand there was more WIFOM.
Now they’re down to a 3v5 (I’m not counting The vigi slot for this)

he was very clearly setting up to push HH with his accusation that she was tmi’ing them town

how does this make a difference
there is the same amount of wifom if not more since people are going to be more like “wolves are already down numbers they wouldnt want to be shot”

The one thing that stuck out about sethslot was the post with the cheese/kii reads
I felt like that was them covering trying to look productive whereas the earlier stuff was because they got into a generally unproductive (but genuine) clash with hh

i dont think ive had a read on cheese at any point this game


yes thats kind of a problem


actually no i lied i thought cheese’s g&c case was kinda villagery

but that’s it


It could just be that simple where they have a read discrepancy between cheese/kii
The kii read just keeps droning on and on

i should actually be obvious town because no wolf partner of seth’s would ever hard defend him


it’s almost too obvious that this post makes cheese a villager and kiiruma a wolf that i dont want to believe it


i’ll come back to it later but the thread shockingly ignored it outside of me/bbb

this briefly crossed my mind but then you said you don’t think wolves buss in this setup so
also seth isn’t actually a bad wolf, as much as i hate to admit this

gonna have to deny this


i just realized if i can lock in hh and cheese as town and jake agrees with me then we just win


I skimmed through kii and there’s a few posts that do things but it mostly feels like stuffing

@Kiiruma who would you shoot if you got the gun

I don’t know what they actually think at this point outside of self preservation

nvm we dont i forgot if we misshoot someone else gets the gun lmao

I’m gonna fight you.
Seth’s a nerd and knows he has to make a read on me.
He also knows that I was going to annihilate him at any time. Therefore had to butt heads with me