Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

that was LP

actually no the syntax is seth
or was it lp


This is why you sign your posts people

You fail to realise in a game like this bussing is your best chance of winning

thats what i said and then everyone disagreed with me


i already know heā€™s not been bussing anyway since his main pushes have been my slot and your slot

me and eevee discussed this at length after getting card

either you go with a full bus approach or you donā€™t bus
given the trajectory of the game going no bus was probably the best strategy d2 onward

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what is your readlist looking like atm

You for pinging my main
But in all reality Iā€™m popping back on my hydra now.
I just needed to reply like this

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thank you for this useful response

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iffy on cheese
currently waiting for eevee to discuss that one (heā€™s been mostly not caring to be entirely honest)

you/hh town feels pretty safe and Iā€™ve elaborated on those slots being v

S&K is someone I donā€™t have an opinion on and my main focus today
Kii is someone I havenā€™t read

and hard poe is bradwei/sos
individually sos is more likely to be scum for me

being out for almost all of yesterday kinda sucked because now Iā€™m playing catchup

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best approach is ā€˜win by locking slots vā€™

kiiruma did you forget you need to come up with wolfreads on more than 1 slot

I know that I need to but like, take things 1 by 1.
Also despite having my strongest wolfread on Seth I did have wolfreads on others too

So Iā€™m mainly approaching game under that lens
I kinda vibe with the point about seth spew with cheeseslot but what Iā€™ve said before regarding the slot hasnā€™t been shaken
However I havenā€™t read the mostly cheese content

if you had an infinite vig yes
but unfortunately it gets passed on and people may not agree

dude just spit it out
who would you shoot

Iā€™d probably shoot lol/Dota and Brad/lllwei.
Iā€™m not sure which first.

post on your hydra dork


also why bradwei
