Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

im still worried that u only started doing stuff after i made a wall casing what is still a possible scumteam with you on it

which was also made to convince the^3 to shoot you instead of someone i think is a villager


i started doing stuff because i overslept an electromagnetism tutorial and decided to play mafia instead

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i kinda felt bad for debil we already hydrad with him once and basically abandoned him so i didnt wanna be an asshole and do it again

hes not a nerd unlike you cringelords

yeah but if you were a wolf in that team you obviously need to do something about the fact that i literally just outted your entire team and advocated for you to be killed first

which in this context would be bussing seth

I had a shaking assumption regarding game progression that I wanted to think through
…but I need flips in order to validate it

I don’t get how thread moved around the seth slot given that it was by the consensus slot that would be killed if this game wasn’t popcorn

i mean yeah thats possible how am i supposed to argue against a hypothesis

ik theres not really much you can do about the fact that it just does make sense if ur a wolf i guess we’ll see what happens later

I’m fine with the current shot PoE
I think we just need to shoot for a bit

if thats what you want to believe then i cant help you, youll have to figure it out yourself

i don’t know who half the slots in this game would have been voting yesterday so honestly i don’t know how you can just assume this is the case

i woild probably be voting arctic slot d1

ill see you all tomorrow

i wont im doing corona test tomorow and i will be diagnosed and sit on my deathbed with intense 37C temperature i am dying

you people seriously overestimate my wolfgame

Outside of a few specific slots everyone had a nullscum or lower perspective against the slot
It would represent a majority of votes realistically

maybe but the weird thing is it didnt feel like that

yes basically everyone scumread the slot except SoS but only me and wind were advocating for its death while kiiruma just sat there and dota only started just before the shot

It’s information you can find on a skim

I also advocated for it being shot

i mean i would probably pick seth over thethethe if it came down to it