Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

wait sos
you said you had a reason to lock g&c and you didn’t elaborate


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gladly. their stunt of asking for Grace, while mildly insulting and aggravating, never comes from a wolf. Atlas knows as well as I do that her presence would spew us town instantly.


Well I got to that list by process of elimination by looking for town rather than scum so I think that was flawed anyway
I think two of you who fell into the PoE when I did that are actually not my scumreads which is also exactly why I said it’s a problem

I do think this process has merit, you simply got the wrong result as I did.


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yeah thats why i think cheese is probably town
the^3 gave off the impression he was shooting cheese or me
if cheese was a wolf and i am a villager, i think the scumteam (namely seth) would have probably tried to make some appeal to get them to shoot me over cheese, especially when he had the progression on both slots to do so
the fact he didn’t probably means it’s just v/v

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Arctic, my bad. I do tend to confuse them.


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that gets cogs turning

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ok I need these flips asap I s2g


why dont you do it then

I’m back and I caught back up and my mind is like…completely blank.

  • Brad

fair enough premise

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Yeah I get what youre saying
For that matter he wouldn’t do it if both you AND cheese are scum with him and he knows he’s the better bus since you two are more capable of endgaming without spewing yourselves wolf, but I kinda don’t want to go there with the tinfoils

On the other hand I can tinfoil Kii as attempting to pocket me on the seth call, and also know if they’re w/w they’re locked into pushing each other for meta reasons
It’s not a take I particularly like but it’s something I can definitely see myself being wrong on


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I’m sorta getting anxiety regarding worlds here
Because despite pressing a stronger front

I am absolutely terrified about being wrong
but then I force myself to chill out

Like other than push on Seth what has Kii done
That’s the only push I remember him having

Can I possibly be misclearing the hedgehogs?
Not that I ever fully cleared them but idk they seem like they’ve been vibing a lot more recently and I would’ve expected them to just roll over and die if they were wolves with Seth
How bad is this expectation lol

the fact is, you all are wrong, at least on us. I would start re-examining your fundamental views of the game in preparation for when we get shot.


There’s something I hate about reading through some people
It’s that they have too many posts
I get frustrated

i think i could be misclearing anyone except you tbh

but id rather flip SoS and kiiruma and see where that gets us first

not turbo but