Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I mean…maybe it’ll wake me up and get me off the bench but like…why?

  • Brad

I think both SoS and Frank are hydras I would consider to be very competent as town with a gun, and also pretty dangerous if they’re wolves, so I won’t veto a shot on either one regardless of my reads on them

I think 2w1h and omg kind of dropped like rocks to the bottom of my readlist because of turbulence and reevaluation so uh, if you’re villagers you’d better convince me of it

G&C is town
Pretty sure hedgehogs is town too

I’m falling asleep so everyone else is basically whatever


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ok then i wasnt there

I mean honestly I was not ‘trying to divert attention off the slot’ but at this point a lot of people seem to dislike my slot for mundane reasons, ones which don’t make sense to me.

Arctic says I’m lacking in emotion. And like, I literally said I was getting annoyed and told everyone to take a break because I was close to snapping at multiple points (reason being, I was annoyed with the shot, believing theThethe was town. And also everyone was arguing and it wasn’t making thread healthy so it pissed me off more and I DID say this)

You’re saying that which… is me basically reinforcing that I was sure Seth is W and I didn’t care whether I’d have to do it myself or if Jake/Eli would trust me and do it themselves. Since you and me were the main pushers there.

I’ve also had people saying that I only have one scumread. Which is further untrue. I have made a readslist, when someone asked me ‘Who would you shoot’ I answered quickly due to it. It’s not like I’m a 1 shot pony. I’m doing stuff this game and I’m going to make things work.

I’m letting people read me or trying to do so. And nobody is townreading me. So people saying ‘Don’t make yourself hard to townread’ from some of my recent games… I’m trying to let yall read me and it seems yall be struggling

I thought I implied that by saying “because of meta” lol


By the way I love how I get like 0 respect for the possibility of having the gun and leading town whenever I’m considered to be a shot.

Great feeling.

  • Brad

no you didnt you took your god damn time

Turbulence? How so?
I’ve been able to explain why people’s reasoning on me is not logical. At least trying to.

do u need a hug bro

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I didn’t say I thought you’d fail at shooting
I just don’t have you in my townreads

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you can be way more obvious town than this if you are town
this much is obvious from your village games in plants and hydra vig10
if you’re a villager make it obvious please


Turbulence as in I’m shaking up my readlist to see where it settles
And I’m not done yet but I’m not doing it at 11 pm

you didn’t imply it
that or I’m dense as a rock

i am sleepy and have nothing to add at this point dota pogged so hard i have no need to interfere other than work in the background

Oh I’m sorry that yall seem to be fucking struggling.
I’m not trying to avoid being townread.
I WANT to be townread.
Do you really think I want the pressure of having the gun this game? Seriously?

I’ve made it clear what I want.

who wants dog pictures to help reduce stress


Ah it was in this post
Not the other one lol my bad

You were OK with it when Seth was still alive lol
Then you had a clear shot at him
Now he’s dead and flipped mafia so you should have more confidence in your reads but it sounds like you don’t have any scumreads right now?


I like how seth blatantly TMI’ed jake town with made up reasoning and then accused me of stealing his read

what a chad

fwiw the second third of seth’s iso is him just blatantly spewing me town so i’m not really bothering to quote all of it

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me me