Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win


I think your insight is genuinely nice, let me iso Jake real quick and see if he acted the same in the game that I just won against him as scum in

This thread / game sucks why did I join it

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firstly what line of thinking

secondly what do you mean by the second paragraph? Why do you think that? Also what does it mean for their alignment?

@2Wolves1Hydra are you still in thread

You didnā€™t. You didnā€™t even sign up. Marshal just slapped you with someone else and called it a day.


why do either of these ping you

Do you not think that this post would make sense if frank was a wolf?

Do you think frank is capable of having good reasoning as a wolf?

donā€™t worry worstie

we will cleanse the land of heretics

oh right right that thing.

Apologies for pressing on that.

I see it as a sort of player dependent kind of read, though I guess Jake hasnā€™t been playing the shitpost light hearted stuff enough for it to be like, I would think they were just town.


Hi! Iā€™m still at work so I havenā€™t backread other than skimming the first ~30 posts but Iā€™ll get to that later.


well um, hmm


while playing mafia, do you think the amount you post is dependent on the playerlist? does this vary regardless of alignment?


What do you think Jake plays like?

Will give reads once Iā€™ve done that since I need to actually do something constructive this time


@GoldAndCrystal how much is your team comming

Engagement and an overall sense of not caring about trying to steer thread direction. Like a sense they donā€™t care about what happens today.

I think it makes some sense, but I think itā€™s a decent post.

Never played with this player, but I would say probably given they seem good at the game.


never played with them I have literally no idea.


What was that post trying to say then?

Oh and btw itā€™s probably gonna be mostly me posting for a bit since I think Wazza has irl stuff so Iā€™m just gonna relay things back and forth to/from her until she has the time

But if you want me specifically to get her to respond to something just ping me so I can let her know
