Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I kinda trust town!SoS to make a better call than town!cheese, though, if I’m being brutally honest
Partly because I have no idea who the cheese slot thinks is scum at this point


what does this mean

from interactions

well cheese still thinks i’m a wolf and cape … did for a minute but now i think they think we’re town again

What were bradwei’s interactions with Zwelious about? I don’t even remember seeing them.


i swear their only interaction was seth asking for a readlist

exactly its a lot of useless shit which is super w/w same with sos and frank

Oh lmao I thought both of them changed their minds and thought you’re town but I guess that was just Cape then


i would do an imgur gallery but i remember doing that once on tosfm or mu and got a warning for using other websites

yeah that’s probably not allowed here

i think cheese is town like everyone else and hood is never getting shot so looks like cheese will never be shot either unless thethethe are absolute gamers

that sucks because theres no multiquoting here like on mu

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cheese has one read it’s wishful thinking that it would be a correct one

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i had 1 read and it was correct, dont underestimate gamers

yes there is if you highlight text you can quote

holy shit
quotes incoming wait like 15 minutes

how the fuck did you not know this existed

why would i highlight text

If that was literally it (and iirc it wasn’t even followed up on) then yeah stick 'em in the shot list
I’ve seen Illwei have correct reads, and I’ve seen Brad have correct reads but low confidence in them
I think if they’re town they could shoot correctly unless they hesitate at the last second and succumb to peer pressure tbh
On that note I have no clue what their current reads are so I can’t even give an opinion on them. I know they gave reads way earlier but I don’t think I’ve seen anything post-Seth flip and I would’ve expected them to either have some confident reads or some reevaluations they wanted to discuss. Instead all I’ve seen was “oh a wolf died? cool” and “why should I try when you guys think I’m scum?”, neither of which is particularly towny or useful for solving collectively


no but you must have seen posts with multiple quotes unless you haven’t read 80% of the thread