Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

wait what the fuck you missed the last two shots

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Iā€™m on mobile the site doesnā€™t coordinate well for it.

And Illwei has been busy with work most of this game so we havenā€™t spoken as much.

  • Brad

so ive come to the realization that in both my most likely worlds s&k has just been playing a really strong wolfgame



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Dude every shot has happened in the morning where Iā€™m either at work or sleeping, no real in between.

  • Brad

okay well tell me when you get home so we can figure things out




Aelin would know mornings arenā€™t my active times.

Then again those were times she was mostly sleeping too so she mightā€™ve been unknowing of that as well.
But still she knows I mostly play at night time for me.

  • Brad

Will do.

  • Brad

can you ask illwei what these posts are

i ignored them at the time because i was becoming unhinged and still processing the shot
but likeā€¦ this isnā€™t the first time your slot has had literally no relevant reaction to the shot while it is occurring


Iā€™m at Arc/Aelin > Wind/Wazza > Cloned/Cape (Yet this is where I want to shoot due to it being an important flip) > Geyde/Eevee > Lol/Dota > Brad/illwei


Thatā€™s assuming Illwei has any reactions that isnā€™t ā€œmild surprise.ā€

  • Brad

me and aelin had the realization earlier that if we hit today and can also lock HH in then we have auto

this requires that everyone locks me and HH in though, not just kiiruma because we may hit the villager in the group of 4



Iā€™m personally not willing to lock Wind/Wazza because Iā€™ve been burned many times before and I know they could be getting 1 over on me. However I would say not to kill them unless itā€™s a final 3 nonsense bit.

Because at that point I think the gun holder would be choosing between yall and Wind/Wazza

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i donā€™t think that f3 is possible because we would have already lost by then

Town having gun, 1 wolf, 1 town without gun

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Technically itā€™d be a 2v1 still since the gun holder is alive.

oh yeah no it is possible

yeah if it comes to that i am literally going to cry


Either that or the wolf team is neither talking to each other nor reading anything at all


i also just talked to aelin about an analogy from tvb which i remember someone used

ā€œif prophylaxis is a villager, it means 2 people are wolfing out of their minds instead of 1ā€

if village used this logic, they wouldnā€™t have lost f5

if we use this logic, it means omg canā€™t be a villager because that would require frank and s&k have both been playing an amazing wolfgame

itā€™s basically occamā€™s razor

the issue is while i think frank has been villagery im not sure iā€™d be able to class it as ā€œwolfing out of their mindā€


i mean if youā€™re a villager then the team is some combination of 1 top poster and 3 afks

Same tbh
F3 and Iā€™d know who the wolf was but it would almost be a guaranteed loss at that point
One of the things I didnā€™t think about when signing up for this game is that there is no NKA possible, which - while often incorrect anyway on FoL - is still a very pivotal point for reads because you can not only speculate on the choice of kill but also scrutinize peopleā€™s reasoning on why they think it was made
And we just donā€™t have that luxury or curse here.