Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I should have clarified
I thought min would stop GGhana from impulsively shooting but the thread got pissy so both of them decided shooting halfway into the day was fine

didnt the thread get pissy because they decided to shoot halfway into the day

do you have this opinion of S&N still?

-cape who keeps forgetting to sign his posts

i like how i had s&k dead to rights on day 1 and now they are basically just outted wolf in both of my worlds

god damn it

It was definitely before then.


I agree that giving gun to strongest villager is the play. Altho instead of strongest villager I would say “Towniest villager”.

I wouldn’t really be scared of “strong” villagers on day 1, really.
I would rather want to eliminate person who can easiyl become “townie” by themselves.

Ergo - Windward or Trochi.
I might be biased, but they are easiest to read from my PoV.

i forgot to add a part in the middle saying “then ignored them for most of the game”

see eevee this is great and all
but in the nicest possible way i really dont care about what you say you would have done and it is not going to convince me of anything

because i remember in plants you talked about how you would have handled the poisons differently if you were a wolf
and you were a wolf

so i
really do not care

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There was something before that I think
I wasn’t fully there for the entire time because I was at work but I do remember BBB getting extremely pissed off because Jake was making it extremely obvious he was a villager who wanted the gun and goading them into impulse shooting his slot
It did work out since he shot a wolf but still
Not really how things should have gone

you seem pretty busy and my advice is you do something that will convince me someone is a wolf or that you are town

before I go on, is there any mention of Zwellos spewing HoodHeroes clear?


well, i do think that is probably the case
mainly because of the way LP handled his read by backing out of it and inadvertently TMI’ing HH as town



You realize I wasn’t talking about myself in this post?
Rather general answer about who would be best person to receive gun in my opinion?

Hey cape look at this post for references. Yes I am talking in the third person


No I think they’re town because they picked up speed when I was still hard pushing Seth and they agreed with me
And they’ve kept up their contributions to the thread since then so unless they suddenly decided to power wolf after their teammate flipped I don’t think they’re super likely to be wolves
AFAIK neither of them has a strong scum game so unless they’ve mastered the art of ramping up their activity even when they’re dead inside, they are probably just town

well yes but that’s implied
if you say who the best person to give the gun to is and that player does not have the gun it’s implied that if you were a wolf you would have given that player the gun

Also - that was my team outvoting me.
I even remember Wing regreting outvoting me in scum chat afterwards.

I did want to handle stuff differently in moison.

so you think it’s cheese frank omg?


That’s just you shadowcasting.

Either that or not trying to understand what other person wants to communicate.
Like I’m drunk and you still manage to annoy me. The fuck.

the sonic slot admitted itself that it makes sense as a wolf with cheese
if the consensus shot on day 2 was cheese, and yet seth was also a consensus scumread waiting to be killed next, it makes a reasonable amount of sense for wolf sonic to try and shift the shot from cheese to seth instead to effectively clear wolf cheese
either way a wolf was dying, but if they just let wolf cheese die then seth would have ended up dying next anyway. the way they did it ended with a wolf looking way better in this world