Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

I don’t think you know what Null or TMI or any of these buzzwords you are using even means.

Do you actually think Seth will live

god only knows

go talk to him for me

Hey now, I am more responsible than him.

oh is this Seth in a wig

sure I trust you with a gun

I am saying I think you’re a wolf and you’re just throwing shit at the wall and calling it reads in the hopes you can get away with it, but it actually looks terrible

okay i’m back

i just had a sudden burst of motivation to stream of consciousness my entire worldview out because my only reason for wanting to get the gun is now gone since my joke got forced out

i think gold/crystal is a villager slot but it’s very much one wolves are going to play around. it’s the same way we handled arctic in dicey dungeons - we kept just letting him push incorrect reads and steered him off track whenever he got close

i think the^3 is a wolf - the slot has done nothing of content other than a push on cheese for vague reasoning and has been repeatedly popping in to fluff and to performatively ask for the gun

i think sonic/knuckles are also a wolf. all their early posts were basically just supportive commentary on other slots and they didn’t engage with the thread at all which i think is wolfy

i also think zweilous is a wolf, though this one’s honestly more recency bias - i think LP’s recent posts have been textbook wolfy by the fact that they’re written to look productive but don’t really say anything at all

i think brad/illwei are probably just villagers, i think brad would be more hesitant to engage with illwei’s shenanigans itt

i’ve found myself nodding along to hoodheroes posts in the thread right now, especially with regards to zweilous

i want to see more from 2wolves, frank, and the cheese head of cheese90 before i give a read on those slots at all, though i think cheese is spewed if the^3 is a wolf


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anyway that’s why you shouldn’t shoot us


Btw I haven’t forgotten about brad/illwei whatever their hydra is called
But since apparently that readlist was fake ill just iso them later and figure out my read on them that way

Weren’t you just arguing that I was Mafia conspiring with Seth to have the same reads?
You’re not actually looking to read me. You’re just looking for a reason to scum read me since you’ve made the argument I am scum for being too calculative with my reads and scum for not being calculative with my reads.

I thought you said that windward was town

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being busy and planning some pogs for whenever we end up shot

this group is probably safe to rule of 3 by the way

yes i know that’s not how rule of 3 works but uh

cry about it uwu


This argument is about why windward thinks I was town reading them when I was clearly not.

who is mafia

who is town

i forgot what the original point was but same



I won’t shoot you if you don’t answer it

Okay, small game theory talk first then.

You are most important slot in the game right now.
And before you start thinking why am I stating the most obvious thing possible, I’m going to say "you are most important slot in the game, period.

There is no nightkills in popcorn, meaning that scum shot day 1 removes scum influence from game, town doesn’t lose anyone. Meanwhile all scum narration instantly loses all power.
On the other hand, shooting town removes townie and makes scum even closer in percentage of game influence.

Day 1 kill is most important in shaping the game.

Are you stressed yet? Good.
This comes with conclusion - do not ever take “give me a gun” if you think that person is a town. And keep ALL options open.

I know this hurts me, as my slot would never really be a day 1 kill. But what I think is most important here is exactly to remove all stereotypes of “oh, I don’t want to kill strong player” or “Oh, I like this guy, would be shame removing them” etc.
You know. Open-minded. Everyone is a valid target.

Especially since you are not exactly killing anyone. If you are wrong, that player will take over the lead.

But yeah, please be aware that day 1 is the single most important shoot and act acordinglly.
As per others - you should possibly also cut down the memes due to it.



No, I think you’re the ringleader and Seth is doing Seth things.
I think you are textbook wolfy as SoS said, and Seth is just chaotic because he’s Seth. I don’t think you’re being very calculative because you jumped at a reason to call me scum and then immediately retracted it, TMI’d me as town in the explanation post, and then backtracked by hedging and saying it was actually a nullread on me when it sounded nothing of the sort.
You are literally giving wolfy reads on a town slot, so if you want to push me you’re going to have to come up with better arguments to convince everyone tbh
I can and will push you all day long because I’m certain enough that you’re a wolf.
