Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

My lunch break is over so good luck holding the fort together till I’m back

Lmao its too sunny and I couldn’t see what I was typing

I was assuming that’s what you meant by that

ok i’m fully catching up now

but first of all i just saw this

the implication of this is that you have us as like… a nullscum read or something, but my impression earlier was that we were like your strongest townread so i’m kinda confused what’s happened here



when I say unearned confidence, what I mean is that knowing your character and the information you have at hand is the amount of confidence unusual

A loud and proud player making a very in-depth read on not much at all isn’t that unusual

A quiet player trying to forcefully push a read, and it seems like they’re making it up as they go along is unusual to me.

I don’t see why you can argue that they’re the same

also cheese

how much has Cloned talked in your hood chat, if at all?

You’re still pretty high up in my reads but I have like 3 slots in my PoE and there are obviously 4 wolf hydras so I definitely did something wrong
Meaning I am subjecting everyone to reevaluation eventually, even if I don’t particularly want to do it
It’s bad to just locktown someone and ignore them for the rest of the game in a setup like this so I just don’t want to take chances :sweat_smile:


The only slots I’m certain enough to call scumreads are Zwelious and probably the hedgehogs

Everyone else is just sort of floating around
Thethethe defaults to my PoE because I haven’t read anything at all from them and thus have no impression, but the rest of the slots I’ve seen something from and have them slightly above null
So yes, I noticed that’s a severe issue with my reads
I would reevaluate the slots I have at townlean and nulltown before the ones at townreads, but I would NOT lock anyone as town and never look back unless they’re the gun holder.


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I mean Outer PoE
Like “idk I wouldnt veto a shot” simply because I don’t know
I’m defining my PoE as everyone at or below null


Also, G&C - you were at the top of my townreads when I’d literally gotten an impression of two slots lol

Now that I have an overview of most of the slots you’re still well above most but not at the absolute top anymore

also I’m still mad that I locktowned Gorta and Atlas when they were both wolves in Railgun so I’m just…not doing that again

It’s not a you issue, it’s a me issue


busy as fuck this week got 4 assignments to do, not what i expected
i will communicate through debil sometimes

this implies he would get shot in the first place
the expectation is that wolves would just… give your slot or seth’s slot the gun immediately, because neither of you are particularly likely to get shot as villagers and yet you will both take wack hero shots pretty quickly into the game

the problem with this process is that you recognize that you’re very easily scumread even when you’re a villager, so how can distinguish whether crystal is a wolf trying to get you shot or a villager wrongly scumreading you? what makes it more likely to be coming from a wolf? i (gold) was giving your slot the benefit of the doubt at the start of the day but you really haven’t given me much to see that you’re a villager

interesting how everyone ignored this post


solving jake’s slot is incredibly important because if they’re a villager and we misshoot them, they seem pretty set on shooting this slot which will put us into lylo and worse, me and aelin will have the gun


why are you guys so… weaksauce this game
it feels like each time you make a post it’s consuming part of your soul and you dread being in the thread, which is not what it feels like whenever you rand villager and dunk on everyone


this was my (gold’s) hypothesis, not crystal’s. although in this context it would be more tonally wolfy. i expect your content to be shit either way, which it… is


If at some point they backed out of shooting cheese and onto you i will blast them into the sun

he’s trolling

again it feels like they’re playing like emilia

it’s kinda weird

emilia, who also trolls:

oh you responded about dota/lol