Hydra Popcorn - Cat Flavor: Day 5 (6/11) - Mafia Win

is there any point to shooting them then

heā€™s trolling regardless of his alignment

if heā€™s a wolf itā€™s possible heā€™s playing into the angle of threatening to shoot another villager if he gets the shot, and thus avoiding getting shot, which is pretty big brain but iā€™m not sure they wouldā€¦ actually think of that?

I mean thatā€™s what I was assuming he was doing? Itā€™s the on,h play that makes sense in my eyes

which is why I want to shoot him

why do you think that jake is too smolbrain to think of that

from a wolf, yes

from a villager, thereā€™s a number of other possibilities
the main one being trolling, which given jakeā€™s history i feel is way more likely

itā€™s actually probably less to do with them being smallbrain and more not having the balls to do it, since itā€™s high risk high reward, as in order to pull it off you have to go all out against a consensus village slot and annoy them to hell and back just to convince them that getting himself shot is a bad idea

no offence to jake but heā€™s not exactly a sigma wolf

like if he doesnā€™t do it enough, all heā€™ll end up doing is fanning the flames to get himself killed

This is NAI.
And fact.

Jake is a Willager, LHF, easy ML.
I say this regardless of alignment.

can you give me some examples

actually on second thougth he could totally be doing it as a wolf, i just remembered higurashi where he blatantly made up the fakest read ever just to scumread consensus v dota
i rescind the beta wolf jake comment

Then why donā€™t you actually read them by meta or a different reason since you know, Jake is normally wolfy? Thatā€™s his Playstyle.

like considering how often heā€™s gotten dunked on as a wolf on day 1 recently

I think Iā€™d see him wanting to shake things up and do the risky play to survive

Different Method*

alright lemme get carol my CIA sniper on cell again

the shot is still on Jake

in railgun he claimed BG in a hood
someone in the hood said he claimed BG
jake didnā€™t comment on this in the thread
then after both members in the hood died, a BG flipped and someone called out jake
jake then said he never claimed BG in the hood
he did in fact claim BG in the hood and blatantly lied about objective facts because ???

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Is G&C really calling Jake a troll?
Is it that hard to comprehend someoneā€™s Playstyle is just naturally wolfy as others are naturally Townie.

Yet people wolf read and town read based on Playstyle which is absolutely wrong.

you just answered your own question


he is a troll

You might as well just randomize your reads if your gonna by Playstyle because itā€™s actually better in that sense.

was he actually a BG

Iā€™m not sure if I want to call that a troll attempt without more info since I could see the possible motivation of it being a panicked ā€œoh god my FPS is fucked if I admit it wolves will push meā€ if that makes sense

no he wasnt a BG he just claimed it in the hood and then lied about ever claiming it even when someone pointed out that someone else in the hood said he claimed it, he just kept denying it

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No OMG thatā€™s just rude.
Ever heard of someone not being or knowing how to communicate that well and always comes off as wolfy?
Just like IDK MAYBE others come off as always Townie.