Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

gives us nothing to read you on, and also permits you to not offer your opinion on what a lot of people find to be an AI post of frost’s

you suck

time to play the game of why did so many players follow bionic. from the sounds of it Bystander,Bionic, Kelsier were doing it for the joke. Canpings “Gotta join the train” feels weird.

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this would be correct if i wasnt reading through the day and providing thoughts at this point in time. me thinks you jumped on the wagon a bit too quickly

your initial reaction was a contentless copypasta which is bad, and im saying I expected more
we’re not retconning your initial reaction to frostwolf’s post

i dislike the fact frost is already painting me as evil when i havent even woken up or provided anything towards discussion.

fwiw I don’t think it’s a complete disaster to pin you as a wolf, but its a disaster of an entrance and reaction to a very AI post, and that’s why I reached my conclusion that you/frost has a wolf in there

italics should have ended on complete. whoops! complete disaster not complete disaster
very different things

ok sorry Daeron no more jokey posts. will be serious andy only. o7
If you want my hot take on it. the inital post is fine (Frost’s post) i dont take it past frost to pressure someone randomly for the fact that they scarred them last time. I am more upset at the posts after that which seem to already be framing me as evil when i havent even made a single post.

and why is that weird just for me to join the train? and not for others. I was too doing that for the memes obviously

right okay it makes a bit more sense if you think frostwolf’s initial post is “fine” to copypasta his post

i still think you jumped the gun too quickly on that read. gonna be honest. but i can see where your coming from.

the post was meant to be a poke at the fact he was evil last game too so the same method should be used back on him, it was more jokey then an actual read but i can again i can see the uneasiness behind it

this is fair, i need to remind you that wasnt my first reaction. i replied with simply a no at first

i mean bystander and kelsier made it decently obvious it was memey. you saying to the join the train kinda feels like you just wanted to follow your vote somewhere. but to be fair you were the second person to hop off it after bystander.

though it could still be weird for you which is totally fine

that’s fine.
also I intentionally jump the gun sometimes. pressuring people gives good content to read from

there’s no difficulty in re-evaluating later

i see, but then we all both immediately called our votes back on eve

@Daeron Reading through the last few messages. do you have any town reads. i feel like every read i have seen coming from you is a wolf read.

thats a lie actually i think you kinda liked frost

I did not like frost

lean v on magnus
gutread v on icet but admittedly lacks real reasoning