Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

top two

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is it good to be mean a reality check is needed

if i play like shit i want to be treated like shit so i snap back into reality

i will unvote so theres no accidental hammer shenanigans but i want to see jail and lemon as top two wagons

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hosts are asleep so its takeing a while dw

actually thats a good question. if someone hammers does that end the day for both executions or just one?

so we go for jail? You sure right cause i dont think we can win if its town


ill also wait for the reveal just in case

but tbf one of them is probably evil so even if its 1f1 its cool

at least evil*

And yet you say

Wouldnt this just make me correct :sunglasses:

Those last two posts were explicitly doubting wazza so idk what you’re reading there

@lol has revealed themselves as the Mayor!


2 executions remain.

jail (2): beancat, Jarek
lemon (2): IcetFeelsPain, Marluna

Not Voting (8): lol, Sayno, Hazardwaste, jail, lemon, Apocryphal, Eve, TheBlueElixir

it sounds more like doubting waza is coven lol but ok