Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

think of it this way. someone who is super aware of claiming their role wouldn’t forget to use their ability
someone who is posting a lot in thread wouldn’t forget to use their ability

the most likely scenario this is a wolf who gave up

jail not claiming anything should mech scum him. stop lying to yourself

these were your final thoughts. you ended the day defending waza

i’m okay to kill off lemon for the record. liability to town in my eyes, will contribute nothing and if town well that’s just us being deserving of a loss

but judging gamestate i think most the evils are in Poe


I am the mayor, today we will both jail and lemon. kill off the two useless slots. tommorow hopefully we will be 6v3 and we can roll. have to kill the two most useless players and if one of them is town we blame it on them for not doing anything. you don’t forget actions as town. you don’t leave the game altogether as town.

VOTE: jail

my decision is final

actually we will most likely 5v3 so gl with that lol

towncore is me/tbe/jarek/sayno/apo/eve

icet has a towny claim but its the worst one out of people who have IMO

beancat/hazard/marluna immediate poe. lemon and jail dies. probably two of me/jarek/tbe dies


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Ooooh spicy

VOTE: Jail

I don’t know if I think an evil would claim to do nothing but I sure as hell just don’t want to deal with how wolfy this slot feels any more

So how does this work. Is it top 2 wagons? Or one execution happens middle of day one end of day?

Presumably it’s an announced ability and presumably it isn’t active until the hosts say

Oh fair enough


I wouldn’t phrase it in such a mean way but yeah if town aren’t trying this hard then my heart isn’t in it and I don’t want to keep pretending town has a chance hot take :fire:

I assume Lol has submitted this in their role card but if oyu haven’t @lol don’t forget to use it

bed time