Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

but like here hazardwaste thought about something logical / i dont know who is he or his role

its not about only defending him, i mean he is kinda on me and im on him so if ur accusing me with not direct way you are protecting him

just think about it 1 on 1

bro i dont even think im gonna live this day tbf

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and also i think also mod thought me wanting alignments was kind of evil play

i dont remember who was

and for some reason i cant even search for messages rn

you should vote jail yo break the tie on you

or i got it wrong, theres like hundereds of posts i could remember some things wrong. If its like that its cool

i mean sure but what happens if jail gets outvoted? i dont know what he is

i really think randoming on d1 is not good play. I was gonna took my vote out from canping at the start :skull:

it’s d1 we don’t know what anyone is

but thats just me, theres like 14 good people right?

i do not like jail’s messages tho

i really want to claim alignment but claiming is gonna make me seem more evil

You are telling me I picked a side and I am not on yours, that means I am protecting Canping.

Did you also notice I am just talking to you and not to Canping?

at the first place you voted me so what is it?

there’s only 1 alignment you should ocnsider claiming and no one is gonna bat an eye if you claim it beacuse claiming it is ???

oh you mean subalignment?

i meant sub
like killing protective investigative

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