Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS


i see alright

btw theres no whispers here right?

I haven’t voted you, like I said you mistaken me for somebody else.

my bad then, i thought you voted me. I cant see who voted me or not why tho? Like theres not a board where can i see it

should i search for “Vote: Sayno”?

i hope not

wdym hope not

isnt it about mechanics?

Oh there could be discord thingies right?

i hate private chats

its not allowed tho hopefully

OP doesn’t mention whispers tho

im confused, you can whispers then right?

Whispers as mechanic doesnt exist here.

so you shouldnt be doing it right? i dont want to like do something out of mechanics

It does require some backtracking, since the search bar isn’t being helpful on showing the votes.

You are onto something I am noticing about the people hard defending Canping.

Clarify this for me, is it solely on who voted you or talking about Canping positively by somebody (in mix of both, perhaps?)

i was honestly just kidding about voting canping, like i said i was going to unvote but i thought you were voting me asuming your posts but like i said, thats on me sorry

As long you don’t break the rules, you will be fine.

cool then