Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

It also reduces our elimination targets.

mass claiming isnt viable due to the fact town roles aren’t as confirming and every role can be reasonably faked

added that coven has very strong anti claim (ritualist / conj / witch in KP) (witch / poisoner / enchanter / illu / dreamweaver in deception)


Just wondering which half of the tis are you talking abt and who is prof able with those abilities

But wouldnt claiming only alignemnt solve this like in tos2

idk how tos2 solves with alignments

i also dont really see how it helps town

all of the roles can be reasonably faked and it opens up coven messing with information

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in this set up, yes i believe it won’t help. but in town of salem there are some clues you can get by crossing class slots which the game solves it itself with process of elimination. considering there are roles that mech confirmes as well


Also some powers are like


D1 reveal sounds not good

I see why its a bad idea rn Anyways technically speaking since the roles are handpicked wouldnt it be possible to somehow guess what class slots there are?

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Also in town of salem you have like 30 secs to come up with a fakeclaim so

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Based on how balanced it seems actually nvm

Yeh thats a thing too time scramble is real lul

i claimed town protective (tp)

VOTE: bystander

i also think it was the reason why this was posted

sayno i believe isn’t fully aware this set up is not actually town of salem. Which then they post this:

because this is not town of salem, i naturally refused claiming “sub alignment”

and from now on i’d like to focus on other players since i’ve been pressuring sayno for too long.
their reaction to my vote push was meh but i don’t want wolfs to have this as an opportunity if they are town so i recalled my vote

bystander folloeed my vote earlier i must defend them

i can’t do anything with the votes tho kelsier is not a wagon i like

My G, he knows the way