Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

UNVOTE if you vote bystander ill sheep


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Mayor? Prosecutor?

Literally two third of the power roles?

If Seer targets a Mayor/prosecutor D1 (even if they stay unrevealed), the Seerā€™s job will become way easier, once the power role decides to reveal themselves.

And itā€™s nice for the lookout/private eye both to have a fixed target, instead of chosing randomly.

the Conjurerā€™s job will also become way easier

Is jailor different?

What are the chances we have a Conjurer?

But it is garantueed we have at least one power role, which can reveal themselvesā€¦

He canā€™t reveal themself.
And there is a Coven counterpart.

So jailor is a bit harder to prove, than the other two power role.

its the one i expect the most to be in play :wowee:

The word you looking for, is motive for actions.

See Sheepsaymeep on Isaac on Binding game, what you need to know is that as mafia roleblocker, he always go for counterwagon in his D2/D4 actions.

That makes no sense, when you get the gist of the social state. These are bland actions and no real reason to roleblock.



Remember you said mass claiming isnā€™t viable since anyone can claim a town role and technically not lie about it?

What they cannot lie about actions having a meaning

zenons law isnā€™t a thing i live by lol, itā€™s just funny in my opinion

I voted bystander for being boring

Okay thats your opinion about Bystander, what about the rest?

rest of the players?

common icet W tbh

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im not saying claiming is bad but massclaiming d1 is

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I MIGHT BE READING TOO MUCH INTO THIS but i dont like this post

it gives off the implication that ā€œI donā€™t know what the evil roles do because I didnā€™t read them because Iā€™m not Evilā€

which is ~weird to begin with and I also assume as town you would read some of the op at least to understand whats happening

very bland filler opening that makes it seem like youā€™re doing something

also rest of the posts arenā€™t that good lol


Yes, the rest.

VOTE: Lemon

I mean I donā€™t have a clue what the evils roles can do because ignorance is bliss as they say, but I would think anti-claim would just be mentioned in the OP outright instead of being in the role list or whatever

backreading thoughts

i dont think this makes sense? thats just saying most players are good ā†’ person im talking about is likely good but thats unfortunately not how the mafia works

jailā€™s new string of posts has content which is good because i was previously harping on his progression so ill be interested to see how these new ideas progress. I dont get the apo take but i agree his note about bystander not seeming frozen and his vibe doesnt seem forced, which is towny.

i cant remember what this means what is it

i agree with magnus, that was towny out of jail.

why? any post in particular?

sayno seems fairly distracted by mech but thats common for new players iirc. His later posts with canping dont make me feel such confidence in him but new players should be easy to read given some time

im trying to develop an opinion on frost and i like that they seem like theyre developing thread and having meaningful ideas. Actual productivity seems to be coming from them which I think is towny.