Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Yall are really gonna need to elabourate so the game can actually make an educated decision - and so I can tell you where you went wrong with your working out. Voting me and just saying I’m evil with absolutely no read isn’t how you get me specifically to start “being town”


I’d love to read people but I’m tired. I expect I’ll wake up tommorow and have a few replies to look at then. I’m not the best at backreading and picking out things I do or don’t like either way.

UNVOTE jarek town VOTE: lemon

The same still applies the other way around and I’m now just thoroughly confused.

I’m going to bed heck this

Yeah fair

Understanding the minds of vibe readers is an endeavor I wish upon no one

As a known and prolific vibe reader

Speaking of vibes

I’m kind of feeling Bystander town

In a “Genuinely feel this, not holding on to a locktown read that went on for way too long” like what happened in BoI

It’s the typos

the typo’s are giving you the vibe read?

The typos are giving me good vibes

Is this a stupid fucking reason that is bad and contrary to everything ever known about how to properly play mafia?


Am I making it anyway?


Frost never looked into me after making a vote on me to force me to make reads so imma look into him instead.

I hate this string from frost. Makes a pressure vote early in the game, Claims its an RVS, Then when someone challenges him on it calls me and them wolf. all before i even woke up and spoke.

I dont know what to think of these messages @Frostwolf103 Why did you specifically look into jarek?

i do actually really like this pick up from frost. frost and jarek i dont think can be W/W with this call out.

actually i will agree with frost this line is very weird (quick detour)

thats fair. and canping and sayno both confirmed when they were discussing “Allignment” it was the Role type (Invest,protect, Support)

I still dont like the original post. I feel like as a town they would have just stuck with “No” and not try and form an excuse or a “I mean i could but i dont wanna”

this feels like a more town frost vote. this is purely vibe tho


hi guys. I’m town this time.

a harmless potato


VOTE: Phraze

Champs flashbacks

(I was a spectator for the game in question, but last time I saw someone call themselves a round vegetable they were a wolf)

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I love seeing other people reject bionics plea to vote the Hydra