Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

VOTE: canping


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Acheron pfp very pretty


Love Acheron

She’s probably my favorite character other than Sparkle and Firefly

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And Stelle, but calling the player character your favorite character is a tad narcissistic

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How does this mean they’re a wolf though

wolfies post wolfy logs

Yeah, okay, fair

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You are not making yourself townier

i want to kill someone

who do we murder today guys

jail (3): TheBlueElixir, Bionic, Daeron
Kelsier (2): Jarek, beancat
bystander (2): Eve, lemon
Jarek (1): jail
lemon (1): Frostwolf103
Phraze (1): Apocryphal
Canping (1): IcetFeelsPain

Not Voting (9): Marluna, Phraze, lol, Kelsier, Sayno, Canping, Magnus, bystander, Hazardwaste

That is the question we’re trying to answer

Is why we have votes, y’know?

ah. I mean sure that does make sense when u explain it

I am definitely not being wolfy non commital tho trust

will be back in like 3-4 hours

Bruh can u defend me i dont wanna br top wagon cuz i cant defend myself barely :skull::pray:

Eve save me