Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

yes but also we dont want the mafia to make pushes and people sheep those either because those have an even lower chance of hitting a wolf

also if we vote out jail today and their town were fucked fucked but thats not a good reason to not vote out jail (beancats case is fairly convincing)


bionic is not necessarily going to die but theyre in a lot of people’s poes rn

I was thinking the same thing; yesterdays wagons gave me more fright than todays. actual competition suggests theres probably at least one wolf in the wagons

fwiw i dont find you actively wolfy but its been hard to find a reason to clear you so you will remain in my poe

[quote=“Eve, post:1389, topic:9730, full:true”]

i didnt think much of it before but now that you point it out it does seem suspicious. Like a town member, especially on day one, can really only trust themselves when they get wagoned. Shows potentially tmi.

I made a post about it; its more that theyve done nothing productive and have failed to make any meaningful content. Theres nothing to look at in their iso. I think it could be a hit.

the main mechanical difference in my eyes from tos to this game is this game gives you vastly less info, making it substantially more difficult to find anyone through abilities alone. The people who create these setups also do it in a way to make you have to use socials to find wolves

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I dont mind the lemon wagon they made some jokes yesterday about being jackal that felt like signalling and I dislike that on principle

lemon/jail/bionic/apo seems like a fine four to be on the chopping block

i used to be more tl on jail but thats been eroding for a while now

Re: Blue elixir keeping me in his PoE:

Completely fair, I more or less expect that out of most people I play with. Especially if they’re unfamiliar with how I play, because I am a bit of a gremlin who’s wolfy as hell even when I’m town

Gth, I wanna say tbe town tbh

I like the glimpse of the process I’m seeing

do you think youve been wolfy this game?

I’m obvtown /jk



people who have a vibe or one or two posts that pinged me v:

people I should spend some more time on:


and i believe thats everyone
groups are not ordered
im not confident on a lot of the town takes

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The comment is that generally speaking, from like an objective standard mafia player PoV, I’m generally~ always kind of scummy. I don’t explain myself much, and will push stuff with the only backing being “My gut said so” or something like that. “I vibe checked them as this” being the common refrain.

So like

You are yanking my chains

how can i take you out of the poe

What do u mean

bc i also just hate being wagoned


if theres town kp I think most people are coming to a common poe that is ~similar to mine and guns should be fired in there

if youre a wolf youre not worried that youre a town member appealing to a wolf to help you

Let me cook for a bit, kill me before endgame


i think if youre town you should not want to be voted out (this goes for canping and bionic aswell) because doing so is a huge blow to town
but also if you do make it to endgame and you havent cleared yourself theres a decent chance you get voted out

i dont know if ive ever seen someone ask to die before endgame before

People say I’m polarized, and to some extent I know why.

My posts as a wolf distinctly suck in a “stubbornly doesn’t give reads, sound very TMI, generally pathetic but cute” kind of way

Town me just says shit

I’m not a normal player

theres got to be a funny text bubble reaction meme for this