Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

Anyway, I don’t normally seek death prior to about the day before Lylo because I know that every town member matters, it’s just when it gets the point where I know I can’t go any further, I’ll give up

Likely, lmao

what do you think of these wagons

aw hell i gotta go

its weird think were more than halfway through the day but i think its going ok
i remember games usually having more posts iirc

I gotta work soon but i will return again

I am not worried

Bc wolves are clearly not helping me lmao

All good choices, expect 1-2 of them to actually be a wolf though

frost is towny

apo towny

Base64 posts.
Sayno’s insistence on needing TI information instead of just shooting wildly with wagons actually probably is the hallmark of an uncertain new villager player from the hallowed ToS2, although I’m unsure how many times one can act awkward and stay alive; not to mention Canping’s legacy included suspicion on their slot, iirc.
That was midday, the read might have shifted, I haven’t checked I’m just narrating in my head.

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You’re all the ones who were involved in the makings of those posts.

ok jackal

Working at mcdonalds goes insane yall

Dont drop out of school

I’d like to think people would call out someone who is making pushes that end badly. Pushes need reads and within those reads we should be able to divine if someone is bullshitting or not. Having the status quo of just “killing this guy lets not do anything else” doesn’t help kill any other evils or direct town for the future it’s a very narrow-minded view that makes me suspect you for it if jail ends up being town

Because if jail is town you’ve essentially encouraged town to not think about it at all or change their minds and are suggesting we should stifle any other worldview or thoughts about where else we should look for tommorow for example

has jail said anything yet

