Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

i dont think jail has be incredibly townie by any means but the wagon on them feels off

I wonder what this game looks like behind the scenes. Evil thought processes and whatnot, Iā€™m unsure what the existing procedures are.

Itā€™s so blatant and yet it seems recklessly abnormal to be a real evil push.

Itā€™s not actually that bad, but still.
Lemon and Jail arenā€™t crossvoting so itā€™s probably not an evil push to save an evil on the block, in either direction.

lol wait your right. what the fuck is this game

Have fun figuring it out when you endgame!

fuck you

imma die before any end game out of fucking spite

Realistically thereā€™s no opportunity for you to die in the next couple days, itā€™s really not my fault for pointing out the obvious. You already know this.

you could have just said you were busy

I donā€™t remember Saynoā€™s posts today and Iā€™m profusely apologetic about it.

Iā€™m signing off joy for either Lemon or Bionic to be executed, town can go for whomever is preferred thoughā€¦ then just let TK do its thing.

oh wait ate was you saying A.T.E and not like eating.
this makes some sense

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Howdy what even is ate

its 11:30pm and i got 3 hours sleep last night. i am fucking tired

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Appeal to emotion

Appeal to emotion, trying to use other peopleā€™s emotions to help you

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Uh how is flipping burgers an ate

past tense of eat.

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jail chose specifically to say that, it would have been enough to just say im busy, but they went ā€œoh i work at a bad place kids donā€™t do what i didā€

sleep a few hours before EOD

how is saying flipping burgers Ate bionic?

mmm i can kinda see it in the second part of the sentence if i squint really hard. but i dont know if thatā€™s ate at all or just saying i cant answer you questions right now?