Jackal Returns - Day 8 (5/20) - TOWN WINS

what is it like a hour before eod or smth

i donā€™t really feel like reading back on thread tbh, i donā€™t expect there to be much thatā€™s entertaining for me

hi hello. ive been out all day in and out of sleeping in the car. been across the country. again
im only just having dinner. should be here before eod.

lemon (6): Marluna, Magnus, Apocryphal, Frostwolf103, IcetFeelsPain, lol
jail (4): Phraze, beancat, Eve, Bionic
Bionic (3): TheBlueElixir, jail, Kelsier
TheBlueElixir (1): Jarek

Not Voting (4): Hazardwaste, lemon, Daeron, Sayno

Iā€™ve no clue when EOD is but if it were literally in 5 minutes Iā€™d just vote jail and leave it at htat

I think the day ends in like an hour?

Yeah, 3pm est

@Wazza has replaced @Daeron. Please do not discuss replacements.

Will need to fix vc, mind the pings.

the first half of the quoted statement by me is my explanation for a very basic part of mafia; you should be trying to convince people of your reads. You baselessly claimed that youre an exception, I dont believe that to be true. Whether you like my reason or I should give you another i dont think is really important, its just me trying it teach forum mafia.

the second half is a comment that vca on d1 wagons is going to be really hard come d3 if both of the main wagons are town. D2 vca will also be weird because we spent both days on the same people. It does not suggest to not vote out jail explicitly. I think its a stretch to say one line of ā€˜vca might suckā€™ is the same ā€˜shutting down vca conversationā€™

because it think its a waste of time if we all just voted jail and sat on our asses all day. Jarek said something similiar earlier about how were letting other evils (if jail even is evil) get away. The entire thread should not be tunneling one player.
Additionally, jail isnt necessarily the wolfiest player. Iā€™m ok with a jail execution. I may vote there if the other wagons dont look better near eod(ill look at those soon). I think that there should be more resistance to the wagon on at least one of the two days if theyre a wolf, which is considerable. Theyre still in my poe though.
And if i sound annoyed its because every thought in this response is already in my iso if you looked.

this is called bad town play

I voted first + this is multiball + not that ive really thought about it before now but if jail is wolf theres a good chance theyve been in antispew for a while anyway

I disagree. they were just as paper thin yesterday too. When I voted bionic i posted why, and that was almost exclusively d1 things. That being said d2 was not an improvement.

not sure where you got that from


lemon (6): Marluna, Magnus, Apocryphal, Frostwolf103, IcetFeelsPain, lol
jail (4): Phraze, beancat, Eve, Bionic
Bionic (3): TheBlueElixir, jail, Kelsier
TheBlueElixir (1): Jarek

Not Voting (4): Hazardwaste, lemon, Wazza, Sayno

ok i dont have time to read everything til the night but i think i might know what jarek is misinterpreting and i think i responded to everyone else who tried to get my attention

I have read 0 things
I have 0 knowledge

you said you shouldnt have to convince other people of your reads so i tried to explain mafia from the ground up

if town doesnt try to explain their reads and make other people agree with them, then wolves can sheep whichever town is wrong. therefore, you should be trying to sell your reads to other villagers.

i never said anything along the lines of ā€˜dont make readsā€™

a blessed life

Honestly sounds like we both misinterpreted eachother because I definitely didnā€™t say that I shouldnā€™t have to convince anyone, I said that I donā€™t know why people are all just believing me

I mean, Iā€™m not saying my case canā€™t be convincing but even when you have an iron-clad thing thereā€™s at least someone still talking about it and that hasnā€™t really happened. Hence, Iā€™m not 100% comfortable with just voting jail and Iā€™d like people to actually play the game (and honestly so I donā€™t take 100% responsibility if I happen to be wrong because I dontā€™ like feeling bad)

You know what this whole thing is massive brainrot we both got super confused

lemon (6): Marluna, Magnus, Apocryphal, Frostwolf103, IcetFeelsPain, lol
jail (4): Phraze, beancat, Eve, Bionic
Bionic (3): TheBlueElixir, jail, Kelsier
TheBlueElixir (1): Jarek

Not Voting (4): Hazardwaste, lemon, Wazza, Sayno

ā€¦has lemon posted today? I dont remember anything

i feel like bionic the msot lijkely ot be a hit but i dont see it becoming top vote

VOTE: Jail



you had a post that was something along the lines of ā€˜you shouldnt follow my voteā€™ or something like that and i was advising against that

People shouldnā€™t be blindly listening to me and just 0-posting outside of saying they agree with me