Jackal Returns - Signups (20/20)

where does it say that

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the rules don’t spell out every possible violation, this is well-established precedent


it’s arguably also covered under

that isn’t discussing any of those things though

no gamethrowing is a rule

voicing intent to gamethrow is thus breaking a rule

pretending to gamethrow however isn’t voicing intent or discussing it

these two

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oh see I thought it was somewhere but I couldn’t find it, thanks Atlas


(it was in the Global Rules)


ok i kinda think thats not defined very obviously and makes me wonder when joking about being w/w with someone crosses the line into “gamethrowing” or “pretending to gamethrow”

for instance would this be considered against the rules

(im sorry illwei but this is the most recent example to use lmfao)

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okay so, I don’t know the context of what was going on in Percy Jackson, but in general if it’s a clearly recognizable joke it’s not gamethrowing, regardless of your alignment

but it would be against the rules to (for instance) support your push on another player by saying “I am a gamethrowing mafia member, I am mad at them for being toxic in wolf chat, let’s vote them out” and trying to convince people that it’s actually true


does that look like a clearly recognizable joke to you

for the record im not asking for mod action to be taken here i just used this example to make the point that it’s not very obvious whether cases like this are against the rules because nobody seems to know

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me on my way to cause problems for the mod team once again


innovation happens by the people who question things


wow there is literally nothing you can actually do about this probably

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for the record i did find those posts a bit problematic because it immediately removed any possibility of illwei and ash being w/w from my mind because i knew if they were the host would have probably told the mods lol

so there might be precedent to, um, not allow posts like that

this is why the “no pretending to gamethrow” rule exists right? to prevent stuff being angleshootable from whether or not mod action s taken or modkills happen etc

but for that to actually work it means you have to decide whether the post is illegal independently from the alignments of the players involved otherwise it ruins the whole point and becomes angleshootable again

and my gut instinct being that those posts would have been moderated if ash was a wolf with illwei but weren’t moderated because ash wasn’t a wolf with illwei probably causes the problem that allowed me to angleshoot in the first place

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i’m in wolf chat with arctic and i told him to shut up and he wont pls vote him


Needless to say if you are abusing the rule to try to confirm people there will be no punishment

Assuming that they’re just following the meta ofc