Kaguya-sama: Love is War Mafia - Game Over - Town & Hitman Win

do u even care if town wins this game? like literally what are you doing? if im a bad guy who are my teammates? are you literally just going to come into the game and call anyone who pushes you scum?? is that your plan for how to win the game?? because if you call that trying that seems like uhm a really bad plan that isnt likely to actually catch any bad guys. do you even know who is playing this game?

anyway theres a reason why i got like this and it relates to a pat experience of mine

i hosted a game this year on another site where one of the players who drew mafia was a wel known polarized player who tended to lurk as scum

and so sure enough in that game he was super lurky and everyone scumread him but he kept making excuses about his real life being busy and stuff. they were going to yeet him anyway day 2 when he claimed some pr, odd night gunsmith or something, and everyone was like “oh he’s a pr we can’t kill him”

and so then they just kept killing townies instead and the game went to ELO and this guy kept doing literally nothing and barely posting at all. they nearly lost the game cuz they were so scared to ever yeet a pr claim even when that claim was literally doing nothing and not trying to find bad guys. they wound up fighting with each other and arguing for days because they were afraid of voting the scummy person. they early ended up losing the game because they trusted some bad pr claim instead of reading the person on dayplay. eventually they did vote him but it took way longer than it should have.

that game has been weighing on my mind right now.

zorvo pushing marluna here is really gross and he has uhhm no reason for it???

anyway beaancat literally only shows up to push back on whoever is pushing her, like she LITERALLY is not trying to find bad guys at all. she only reall seems to care about her own survival. that is not a town mindset

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i know some ppl think zorvo is just being his wacky town self but like him pushign marluna here makes literally no sense?? and he has no reason to believe bean is town so strongly

and like he had his head up his ass about how all the mafia team HAD to be strong players and i dont know what happened to that theory?? like the stuff hes saying just makes no sense, hes spewing crap with no logical basis behind any of it just naming arbitrary teams and like hes capable of pretty decent reasoning actually but none of it here adds up at all??

but really i think u only look into him if beancat flips red cuz the way hes acting around her makes no sense

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VOTE: beancat

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jaiden/eliza basically falling of the face of the planet day 2 to now is also not great

like she clearly did not care about what happened day 2 and wasnt really reading anything and now shes making excuses and not solving? like idk what she is doing

imo those ppl are more worth looking into than marluna/demisha who seem like townies to me

(lol is fine. like i hate to give him the win if hes mafia here but hes also…actually playing the game)

Don’t need to be this harsh.

Even I don’t do half of the things you just listed, so I think this post was directed toward me as well. (even if it was untintentional.)

So please put down the Basics.

  1. This is a game.
    I am here to having fun. Solving the game is secondary (for me)

  2. There is literally nothing on the line.
    You literally lose nothing, if you lose the game, and vice versa, you win nothing if you win the game. (maybe some self-respekt, but if you need for a win for that, the problem is with you, not the game.)

  3. Not everyone can be town leader.
    If you expect everyone write huge essays in all of their post, the game would be unbearable. Lurkers are the conclusion for that.

(4/bonus. IRL stuff and Forum Mafia is not always compatible. No one is able to know how some posts feels in the moment it was written/some hours later when it sinked in. Since I can easily missing 10+ hours in one sitting sometimes, I cannot truly accurately gainin back the exact gamestate, other players experienced even if I am reading back. Now I catched this comment of yours, that’s why this unreasonable out break.)

Thank you for your understanding.

I wasn’t talking to you so I don’t know why you took offense at a post not directed at you

I am trying to make a rhetorical point here

the point is that bean cat seemingly doesnt care about trying to find the baddies and everything she does is only prioritizing her own survival

the most likely explanation for this is cuz shes one of the baddies and so she doesnt have to actually do anything bu survive

That’s a fair point.

But they were voting you day 2.
If you are VT as you claimed, they would have been the yeet today most likely, so I don’t know how your viewpoint is accustumed to that.
(maybe they just weren’t here when the Achro wagon happened, but even in that case I see the two behavior contradictory.)

like im not asking ppl to all lead the town thats unreasonable obviously

but you still actually have to try to find the baddies when you are here cuz if you have fun just doing nothing to help your team win uhm that is not fun for everyone else?? like you cant just prioritize your own fun over everyone else who signed up for the game and is on your team, that is selfish. and uhh if you are doing literally nothing all game that is really not helping your team and is really disrespectful to the mod an the other players who are actually trying? so playing and literally not trying if you are town is really rude but i expect people to give to the best of their capabilities but she isnt even doing that. there is basically no indicator she even wants to find bad guys

but again i dont think bean is being selfish i just think shes a baddie who only cares about surviving cuz thats her win condition and thats why shes playing the way she is.

i mean yeah she wasnt here, because shes barely playing

and there was no guarantee she would have been the vote anyway because a bunch of people were defending her with “why would scum do that” (and admittedly i was one of those people)

like the thing is the RB claim isnt a hard guilty so she could just go “oops it was a mistake” and people would have believed her

but the thing is that her targeting me AGAIN makes no sense if sh really believes im a bad guy and if she really thinks im a bad guy se uhh should b trying to explain that and find my opartners? but she isnt doing that, all she does is go “the people who are suspecting me are mafia” and uhm cearly that isnt true? and shes not a bad player cuz shes capable of actually analyzing people and stuff and shes not even trying to do that here, like i said shes only pushing people who push her

like acrho voted beancat and he wasnt mafia. beancat was setting up to push him after i flipped town yesterday

if you are town you voted beancat and arent mafia

i know i am town and have been pushing beancat and am not mafia

and i know marl is confirmed town fmpov and he was voting bean for a bit and she just ogused him

so like beancat just going “the people pushing me are scum” doesnt seem to actually be catching any scum??

What about it makes catbae a guaranteed scum

like what does beancat going for her this game other than “she claimed a pr” and people are afraid of losing that pr

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This but with Jackrito.

People catching me or other people doing nothing is more likely to be town, than people who are pushing players with the same reasons everyone else already stated.

I became one of the least lucky players, cuz I didn’t follow other people without questions.

Also became one of the least lucky players, cuz I followed other people without questions, (cuz I didn’t care reading back at that point.)

I know both of my EoD’s sucks… But hearing this over and over is just plain boring.

His claim doesn’t check out on several layers.

This game doesn’t fit a 3p. It just doesn’t. Every win condition is listed in the OP.

No role I have ever seen gets it’s vigilante shot back when it fails due to being roleblocked. This is just a convenient narrative to make it so “oh I didn’t prove myself last night but I CAN LATER, just trust me.”

Him leaving the game when he wins is just too good to be true also.