King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

(Eliza like basically said this in a call so)

(I agree :+1: )


(So about this “Age Thing”)


(oh ninth what is it)


(She is an age. Mhm. It’s a number. It’s probably greater then 17, even.)




(I’d like to imagine princess (or in this case, grandee duelist) peach to be around 25ish

this is also my first ever FoL message i have ever sent out of character. what a momentous occasion)


Augustin flinches, a gloved hand darting in front of his face.

“T-That’s preposterous! Of course they aren’t. They’re like family to me.”

After grimacing at Jaspin for a long moment, he lowers his hand. His face returns to his usual vacant, judgemental stare and he bows theatrically again.

“Please forgive my outburst, m— County.”

(also i thought if our characters died we were just out of the game :wowee:)

(There’s an event where the king literally gets eaten by a bear but that would feel bad, only the king can perm die and I would be quite sad if that happened, nobles are replaced by clones)


(in the actual game it replaces you with [your name] the second)

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nah you get replaced by Noble II

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I mean they are my family too… you just… seemed to completely flipped your emotions to me and i was starting to worry

though if you want to make a new character i’ll let you
just uh
not many people will be dying
(or if they will i’ll ask consent first)


“I would be remiss to allow you to worry about me, County.”

Of course!
We may follow the Ninth God, but our region, like any other region, has its own geography, foods, and sights to behold! I formally, and happily, invite you sometime, and if you are interested in our culture, there are many stops I would love to show you!
I believe the Ninth God would wish for us to embrace those curious with eagerness and kindness, and to in turn see what other cultures offer alongside our own. I may be alone in that sentiment, but I hope to share the love the god has shown us to others with all that I can.

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“Sorry to butt in, but that sounds like a blast! I’d love to learn more about your culture.”
Ash pauses, waiting for a response before adding, “…If you’ll have me, of course!”

He closes his eyes and smiles with a flourish of his hand.

“I hope the County has not spared too many pains for me.”

He bows again, and turns around to leave, the spring in his step gone.

confused jaspin noises


I extend my hand to all those curious, you and everyone here is always welcome, if you come with respect.
The Ninth God embraces all their followers if you embrace them back, and there’s nowhere to feel closer to their love than in Grandee.
However, any disrespect will not be tolerated on the holy ground of Grandee, even by I. and those who disrespect the god on our lands will be swiftly dealt with according to Grandee law.