King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

“The “young blood” includes me too, doesn’t it? I’m only eighteen.”

“Lord? That feels a bit too respectful of a title for me, doesn’t it?”

Augustin tilts his head.

“Your lordship has a noble title, does he not? I simply insist on referring to him properly.”

“Young Royal blood then. I am young blood by the definition as well as you are so why not be more specific. Regardless letting the young royal get thrown might just help their mental perspective. I know it’s helped in the past with training in other varieties”

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(is Augustin referring to Ash in third person here or am I dumb)

“Help their mental perspective…? How do you figure?”

(he is. its how he talks [well, sometimes (but i wont explain the patterns ooc)])

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Its all safe… well at least thats what father told me anyway

(that’s what I thought)

“I suppose that’s true… if that’s how you want to refer to me, then go for it.” Ash rubs the back of his neck. “Thanks for agreeing with me, by the way.”

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my father wasnt a sane man tho… so… take it with a grain of salt

The young Grandee gently holds his rose as he tips his hat “Ah that reminds me, my apologies for my lack of manners. I am Kael Silvermoor… With that out of the way, we have people of the age of eighteen? That is quite young, yet it is important for there to be fresh new perspectives so that our kingdom may be well rounded”

Kael then finds a seat, putting his hands together in prayer. “Let us enjoy our time together here, for we have peace and harmony at this moment. The Ninth blesses this day and our encounter together, if you shall decide that our liege shall enjoy the waters below then so be it… it might be quite fun. I would much prefer something more devout”

VOTE: Option B


Like the vegetable?

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“I get that it has been safe in the past, but if something were to go wrong the King could drown, and I don’t want to risk something like that.”

“Confidence, Belonging, feel the whole thing bows with this but really just so we can move towards bigger decisions is my goal. Ideally we… well that I ll save till the talks start and we know exactly what we are talking about. After all there are many groups here and not everyone will be on the same page.”

I understand you worry. but if the king wishes this too there is little that can be done.

And both the grandees and the particians live near water… surely one of them knows how to swim

“The… vegetable? How insolent. No, my name is far more appropriate… it means ‘Mighty Warrior.’ and I fight with honour.”

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So it doesnt mean the vegetable Kale.


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Kael takes a deep breath. “No, not the vegetable. As important as a good diet is so that I may fight with all of my might, the Ninth God honors me with this name, providing me with my purpose.”

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