King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

(that being said taxes are determined by me so like we won’t see for 2 seasons how I tax people)

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(really my character is arguing from the perspective of a prior count, he grew up in a region where the majority of peasants are farmers and you can see them kinda have to deal with harsh taxes from the king or queen of the present)


(yeah specifically taxing luxury businesses (which this currently is) means we can alleviate taxes on the lower classes while providing them with services. in this case, books will cost more but most peasants are illiterate anyways?)

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Printing presses for all? Imagine all the books i can finally publish! this is the best first choice ever
VOTE: Option A

(you don’t really need to know how to read as a farmer, so it seems kinda unnecessary to make books widespread, at least for the count side

This is a patrician Vs count event)


(womp womp)


(I never said the counts were smart lol)

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(this will definitely make it harder for them to manage the masses, but it realistically won’t affect them for a couple of generations)

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(augustin basically sees this as a luxury business tax)


(ophelia has a really odd reason for voting a over c)

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(anyone wanna rp with me
I’ve been most roleplating with a couple people but it’s kinda hard to roleplay as the king because he’s not supposed to be a schemer in the sense he’s supposed to be pushing his ideals and trying to reason with the schemers)


(im working but i’ll be around in 1-2 hours if youre still here)


(im free for like an hour probably but i dont know how our characters would start interacting)

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A messenger arrives.

“Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, fourth of his name, defender of the forests and acorns, wishes to make his will be known.”

uhh… I have no opinion
one of my brothers hates books and thinks they’re dumb
my other brother loves them and thinks they we need more of them

what do you guys think
it’s my turn to vote


(i can if you start)

(Jaspin is smart! how dare!)

(I don’t know how to start is the problem)

(me neither :P)

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(one of them invaded my personal space, another one is a craft merchant, and another one is selling birds and is now my pen pal
whether he like it or not)


King, may i ask just for a inspiring speech to ralley your court. How did you become king?

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