King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

How is one of you advocating for peace and the other is wanting to murder.

The cheifs are all over the place

Of course. We need a strong military to show the world why we are a force to not be reckoned with - a big stick, not a stick we should use all the time.


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(posting to follow thread bc mobile)

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Oh dear!
As much as I would love to pay respects to our benevolent ninth god, it seems like everyone else is quite excited to throw the king into the river, as tradition!
I simply cannot stand in the way of this and be a stick in the mod, so I say throw him! It will be quite entertaining!


A well dressed noble Grandee steps inside the chambers off in one of the corners, quietly piping up “Now, this is a truly lovely occasion, a new King. Perhaps a reverant ceremony would be best suited, so that the Ninth God can look down upon today and bless us all. There is no need for anything more luxurious nor barbaric.”

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I do think a few words of reverence would be nice. We have the Ninth God to thank for the flowing and beautiful river, and the abundance it brings to the farms nearby. Without the Ninth God, we would have no river to throw the king into. So well I would love to see the king thrown into the river, as tradition, perhaps we could also have a quiet moment in honor of the gods and the king the gods has blessed us with. That way, both the rambunctious and the faith driven are content.

Augustin struts down the middle of the carpet into the room. He scans it, then pivots towards the rest of the Barons.

If I may speak, my lieges. I believe that man has spoken wisely. For, haste turns many a situation sour, and displaying our undying devotion to the Ninth God can do no harm.

He flourishes with his hand.

Naturally, we should give our new King the honour he rightly deserves, as the one ordained by the Ninth God themselves.

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VOTE: option e

Are you all mad?

(I’ll roleplay more tomorrow and try to figure out a character of what I want to play as and try to make relations with other regions)

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CHIEFS OF THE NORTH! The rituals must be upheld so that the spirits can be appeased. The pitiful river of the Ninth God must do. As is custom, the new leader shall take an icy swim to commune with the soirits! At least a lukewarm swim!

Are you rejecting the Ninth God’s guidance when he chose his new monarch?

He tilts his chin up at the rest of the people and points skywards.

Shameful, the lot of you.

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(I’m a big grandee fan rn)

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The what

Your pitiful god is powerless in the face of the gods of the North. THROW THE KING IN THE RIVER

Augustin kneels and bows theatrically besides the King.

Your majesty, forgive me for addressing you so bluntly, but may I speak?


Oh dear me.
I was okay with the prospect of throwing the king in the river, and respecting your tradition, if thou Chiefs simply thanked and respected the Ninth God for blessing our land with this river you wish to throw the king into.
But if your true intent is to blemish the name of the holy, than I simply cannot vote nor stand alongside you anymore.

Litten scrutinizes Augustin trying to gauge their intentions.

“You may speak, this is a council meeting and all voices are to be heard as we debate what the best option is. I’m currently trying to understand everyone’s current position and reasoning”

Technically you asking to speak counts as speaking in and of itself.