King of the Castle 2: Litten is King: Game Thread (GAME CANNED)

infighting already :blush: im so proud

Augustin stays kneeling.

May I ask why your humble majesty suffers these…

He grimaces in [Otter] and [Peach]'s direction.

people, who clearly bear his majesty not the respect he deserves and is ordained of him?

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(I just realized Snowe was a Baron, I thought they were a grandee, I hope to form good relationships with the Grandee, Baron, Chiefs and any other regions that will increase either our faith or military)

I will kill everyone. :+1:

(VOTE: Option B: Ceremony)

Option E: River (5): Zone_Q11, Marshal, Italy, Hazardwaste, pandora
Option E: Tekken (1): ImaginaryNeon
Option B: Ceremony (1): snowe

Not Voting (18): Litten, Someone, Childe, Kiiruma, Amelia, N.1, SirDerpsAlot, guavagudetama, Kork, Ruby, Whysper, Squirrel2412, Kanave, Arctic, Leafia, Atlas, Daeron, PrincessPeach

The River is both Tradition and meaningful to this land Miss. as some who has heritage derived from the baron lands i would hope you could understand why the king must meet the river


“Well, to put it bluntly…I know how these council meetings sometimes get. People get antsy without some entertainment and nobles are no exceptions to this. Being thrown in the river could be akin to being reborn…and I also think that tradition itself is sometimes important, even if I know some nobles have impure intentions in their choices.”


The noble grins slightly, nodding towards his fellow noble “Well said, I can appreciate tradition since it is important to consider everything for a perfect balance. Let us pray in peace and should others wish to follow that…” He coughs “tradition… then I shall accept it.”


… I miss the other grandee…

A messenger clears his throat. “Ahem.”

"Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, third of his name, guardian of the woodlands, wishes to make his will be known.”

someone tell augustin what happened to the last monarch

yes, jonathan, that means you

what? why would I go myself? these things are so boring


Why does thou grimace at me?
I wish to have a ceramony of respect for the Ninth God, and thank her for the blessing of our king, and have made myself clear on such. I do not follow the tradition of throwing the king, but wanted to respect the decision of others.
I have been saying I wish to throw a ceremony of reverence either way, and have been calling for one after they have their tradition.
The king is the king of all the people, that includes those with traditions and ways you and I may not understand. We can embrace those, well also opening a way to show our respect towards the Ninth God.


Augustin grimaces at [Hazard]. After smiling ruefully for a moment, he meets [Hazard]'s gaze with steeled eyes.

He snorts. “I’m sorry, my liege, do I look like a Miss to you?”


Apologies, Your face gets lost in the crowd way too easily.
My point still stands. My Father, once a baron like you would be disappointed to learn the barons are trying to go against tradition.

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Augustin looks at [Hazard] warily for a moment, before spinning away, fluttering his cape, and strutting off.

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A second messenger approaches you.

“Baron Wilhelm Marzipan of House Squirrel, second of his name, eater of sweets and pastries, wishes to make his will be known.”

tradition is for losers


(how do these wills instantly get here as though they are here)


(I’m kinda convinced the Baron is actually just pretending to be a messenger and hurriedly scribing down messages)


(the baron is probably just like, on the second floor dictating messages to his messengers while actively listening)


(they’re in the walls)