Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN



With 1, we lock somebody as town, and then they can lead decisions

yes but you cannot say its no info, its moderatley less helpful but like, 1/2 is similarly not helpful no?

1/2 means we ignore both of them

We need to jail all three scum to win don’t we

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and this is valuable since then of the 10 not in that group, only 2 can be evil

We arent doing that D1 ever

And we also arent doing that if we trust an evil to lead the convo

A 1/3 is this but 9 people.

someone i cant tell if youre just mafia flailing early to change our plan or if youre actually just being the goofiest individual ever rn

But a 1/2 implies that it is no longer d1 so what do you mean ignore them




statistically randomly shooting 3 people in the dark, we get 1 evil

a 1/3 is worthless

We arent shooting at 3 people in the dark

what do you fools not understand about this simple fact of statistics

Wait Frost is voting someone BYE


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People love to vote me D1 im just like that