Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

I’m not suggesting anything.
I am just stating facts.

there’s more (which I’ll probably type out later but I have to go soon) but the wagon changing is “Hippo changes wagons a lot in ways and at times that help mafia”.

tho uh. it is kinda funny that Marluna is arguing the angle of “we didn’t push against this yesterday” while all 3 of them are now pushing against it today

Cuz yesterday it made sense, today isn’t.

It’s just interesting the only 3 people pushing against it are the 3 we want to jail lol

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Theirs like maybe 2 others marginally against it but they don’t seem to actually care much other than thinking we’re wrong as opposed to you three who are pushing so hard against it

Obviously cuz its a waste of a day

why is it Tutuu? if it’s Marluna/Kii like you believe it is, then Tutuu has been townsiding incredibly hard

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also aaaaaa after going through Ash’s posts today like. @Ash why do you not think it can be Hippo? or Frost? also can you post today if you’re town so we can actually find you

I mean, it is mechanically suboptimal from the perspectives of us that are good within Me, Hip and Marluna (Me and Hip). The only reason I’m not fully against it is because I’m more than happy to be cleared and this is one of the few ways people would clear me so :man_shrugging:

Ash doesn’t need to post because Ash had yall under his thumb.
Whereas I’ve been working my ass off today like I have the entire game.

I mean the problem is like. you as both alignments here has strong incentive to try
if you’re wolf, then by getting yourself townread you waste a guess or two, which is probably exactly what mafia need to win, so.

Yes I recognise that. However, if I was wolf do you think I’d have been here while dealing with just how harsh reactions have been towards me? No, honestly, I probably wouldn’t. I wouldn’t keep fighting as hard as I have. But eh this is me self-meta’ing so you can (and probably will) ignore it.

Yes I’ll ignore it, because it’s unsound.
You did say you wanted to try more as both alignments.

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Which I do! But I’ve already demonstrated that as wolf, I haven’t really demonstrated it as much as town in my most recent games. Hence me trying to here.

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The biggest issue I’m facing is, while this will clear me or at least I believe it will.
How are you planning on eliminating our 5 other evil candidates down to 1?

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BTW regardless of your alignment I am glad you’ve continued to put in effort here, as yeah it’s pretty demotivating to be consensus wolfread as either alignment.

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Ash/Marluna + one of (Tutuu/Bionic/Someone/Frost/Guava)

Pretty clear that Tutuu is town, clear that Guava is town if you’re town, I trust Derps on Bionic (and Bionic very happily jumped on Ash/Marluna/You midday yesterday, when he could simply have not), so that leaves Frost/Someone.

Most likely Frost/Someone can be sorted.

anyway tbhtbhtbthbthbthbth I think it’s time for me to list out all the worlds that are realistically possible in my view, and then see what guesses narrow those down the most

Sorry about the inactivity; this week’s stupidly busy (I thought this game would take two weeks to fill, and then it did so in a single day).
Marluna’s pushed towards a Frostwolf wolf world, so I’m inclined to believe Frost is town here. If Guava somehow turns out to be town, Hippo’s probably next likely to be mafia?
That said, Guava is almost certainly mafia here with how hard they’re defending Kiiruma.

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