Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

Why would I do things to help put 2 of my teammates in jail just so i can maybe say “hey i did this on purpose” later

and i also don’t like pointing things out that i’ve done that am towny, but not many people are actually reading my progressions so I felt like I had to

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And ftr I’m only fighting so hard because I’m not convinced it is Guava and if we go 100% on it being me today and it is also not guava we’ll have to hero guess between other 4, because I have no idea who it is tbh. Obvs leaning someone/bionic if not guava.

Remember, mafia only have 6 people who can be masons so they are very very likely to get a 2/3 tonight and then a 3/3 next night.

This gives us 3 more guesses

Pushing for You/Kii I would probably townread if it was at EOD, or it had some votes already, but I think it’s not super good otherwise. Especially because, if you’re w/w, you don’t want to look like you’re avoiding that, and you’ve already expressed how you love thunderdomes so it’s hard to be like “Actually can I not be in the dome?”.

Suggesting Ash/Kii/Marl lets you go from 3/3 to 2/3 so it’s reasonable enough. Pushing Kii/Guava/Ash seems difficult because IIRC some people had said Guava was somewhat unpaired with Kii.

As for deciding to push away from Marluna/Ash/Kii late in the day, and switching to Guava/Marluna/Kii near eod. Those are pretty decent points htbthbthbthtb

that being said it’s also kinda poe

like Tutuu/Frost/Bionic is probably town
it could be Guava but I think their actions today make less sense in a Guava/Kii/Marluna world
Someone maybe. I’ll have to check Frost’s wagonomics post; I’m pretty sure he had a reason that Someone/Kii/Marluna isnt great

At first I believed it’s a hit in 3/3, however looking back when Somone is bigger wagon than Kiiruma, which Kiiruma and Marluna both voted him, while Marluna voted themselves.

Putting 2/3 in themselves at EoD1 is just terrible idea for mafia.

Marluna voted themselves because they know they are not going to be picked by majority.

Oh I feel so shocked, Derps is just too good you know.

No, I am fine with the current wagons, flip flopping isn’t going to help your case better.

It’s not my case it is town’s case, I will still be here tomorrow

There are probably about 2 Mason among those 4, so it shouldn’t be a heroshot.

I dont have the time/energy to read. We had a lot of hours to decide on wagons. Im uninterested in cfds



It will not change my opinion I need hosts to tell me im wrong atp

fair enough tbhtbhbhhtbthbthtb

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Kiiruma (9): Bionic, guavagudetama, beancat, SirDerpsAlot, tutuu, Zugzwang, Kiiruma, Someone, Ash
Marluna (8): Bionic, beancat, SirDerpsAlot, tutuu, Zugzwang, Kiiruma, Someone, Ash
Hippopablompoyeetus (6): SirDerpsAlot, tutuu, Zugzwang, Kiiruma, Someone, Ash
No Prisoner 1 (1): guavagudetama
No Prisoner 2 (1): guavagudetama
guavagudetama (2): beancat, Hippopablompoyeetus
Bionic (1): Hippopablompoyeetus
Someone (1): Hippopablompoyeetus

Not Voting (2): Marluna, Frostwolf103


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Dont change anything last minute just wait

Hippos case would have been considered if it was posted earlier than ~9 hours before eod

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VOTE: Kiiruma
VOTE: Marluna
VOTE: Hippo

1/3 means Ash is mafia and also in all cases that means Marluna is one as well
2/3 means Kiiruma and Marluna are mafia
3/3 is gg

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Kiiruma could be in this spot as well, however Hippo will be cleared in this.

This clears Hippo and Ash in this context.

:clap: :clap:

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