Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

are you telling me 4/4/4/2 is not the ideal vote spread? :wowee:


Also tutuu if ur mafia uve won so congrats

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Im town. Lets try to win. If i was mafia i vould have just went afk. Im here though

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Iā€™m about to leave for the dentist but yeah I can probably be online at eod

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Has anyone looked at a Maluna/Frost world?


I probably wonā€™t be here at eod cuz of school :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

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Frost tunnel is annoying, yes, but unlike guava, he never wanted to shut me out from the conversation (even when we mutually scumread each other).

Guavaā€™s advice is just bad imo.

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The rest of you can discuss with him but talking to him has gotten me nowhere but more mad so Iā€™m just done with it

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Itā€™s important to note that it is very likely mafia are each pushing each other hard today, because they know all they need is 1 of them to escape the jail.


If u have the opportunity to be on PC its optimal to prepare copy pasted votes voting for each possible team and countersnipe Ash and whoever else suspiciously tries to snipe


I dont have any

Yeah, what is the part you donā€™t understand?

Guava is prowling on Zugā€™s tinfoil.


Did you start scumreading frost?

Fuck it Iā€™m making a call on one of the domes for me.

Frost hasnā€™t been outside their town-range and although is irritating we know they do this as town.
Tutuu seems to lack agenda and has seemed to be pro town.

Guava has looked fine recently but theyā€™re a competent wolf and I think weā€™re dumb to put anyone else but guava in this 3rd wolf slot. Their insistence Kiiruma was town throughout did not seem towny, and never did, and always felt forced. I havenā€™t seen anything that canā€™t be faked from them.

I think we should operate on who is Guavas most likely partner out of Kiiruna/Marluna.

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No. (Obviously)

How would that even work? My opinion on Frost was to flip-flop this game to even considered us to be partners imho.

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Marluna not trying and just calls it annoying

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On tinfoil, guava jumped right into it

Because I ask hippo why am I distancing Kiiruma Day 3.

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Before then, it is tinfoil and Guava want to make it sound I made freudian slip

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I think that its marluna because guava blatantly whiteknighting a wolf partner is just not something you see commonly at all. Its not a bad play by any means, just very rare in my experience. Requires a lot of guts

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