Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

i value teamplay; ive lost a lot of games due to townies going solo agent mode and doing whatever they please. this was the consensus solve, id rather we win or lose together as a team. please dont put that solve being wrong on me, you believed in it quite a lot. i think its normal for me to want to believe in it too given i know you’re town, and the same for zug who also believed in it a lot


Hippo is voting Kiiruma, clearly wrong.

ok this color coding stuff is actualy fire i don’t have a snide remark for this one thanks frost

you know imma back frost actually i do like that wagonomics highlights

VOTE: Guava
VOTE: Marluna

Firstly I’d like to start this off by pointing out that the only person who’s been clearly a non-mason has been me and that’s due to how others have been reading me. Therefore I would be a waste of a guess for any of the masons to do. This could explain why it took them so few trials to hit all 3 masons.

The 3 potential people I’d be teamed with:

Why I don’t make sense being paired with any of them…

Literally wanted to test Frost yesterday. I said that I thought it was Ash, Marluna and one of Frost (Teammate in that world), Bionic (Mason) and Someone (Mason). Also I had voted for Frost (Teammate), Ash (Teammate) and Someone (Mason) another one of those days.

Wanting to test Me, Guava alone (Which would be a 2 in this world)
Wanting to test Me, Hip, Guava after I’d already been in a 2 with Ash/Marluna (Which would be a 2 in the world again)
Guava’s overt defending of me is unnecessary for a teammate to do when the objective of this game is to work out the entire team using a combination of mechanical and social solves.

Wanting to test Me, Zug, Tutuu (A 2). Wanting to test Tutuu, Ash, Marluna (Once again a 2, which I’ve wanted from D2). I think that Tutuu’s open wishy-washy behaviour towards me has been in itself overtly suspicious.

not reading this text, frosts colorful names already convinced me boo

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Look, I hate Guava’s vote on me to put it mildly after everything which had happened.

However, I have to point out that Tutuu and Marluna are both wanting to vote for Guava and it is entirely possible that they’re just W/W voting together.

you know I think we probably lost but I had fun and post-game i’ll hopefully be able to quote something d1 or d2 where I said the exact team cuz I said a lot of teams

if i never said the team then fuck me I suck lmao

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I mean I can’t say I agree on the “I had fun” front.
I’ve had to try so many different things to be confirmed but nooooo, I’m still just a fucking wolf candidate despite everything. It’s ludicrous.


It’s so over for me I have no clue anymore

Hi mister stubborn, Marluna and Guava are voting you and Ash together.

But Guava is not self-pressing against Marluna while Marluna is doing this against Guava.

it’s not Tutuu, you’re only hurting town.

Hello other Mr Stubborn wanting to go for a 3/3 yesterday when it was optimal to clear multiple worlds smh

It doesn’t matter right now!

You are voting tutuu while you’re the only one voting.

what do you think about me covering for the masons harder than any other VT claimant?

why do u still insist im mafia? did u consider that u might be getting pocketed by guava doing the thing he did? also did u consider frost?

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I’m not even voting you chillax

Also why it is just me and everyone in the domes in thread where tf has everyone else been today lol

And I was helping you on Day 3, Marluna and Guava doesnt seems to be phased and Ash is mech locked as mafia.

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VOTE: Guavagudetama
VOTE: Marluna

At the end of the day I really do not believe this is correct, I think that it is Tutuu instead.

However, I’ve been unable to convince anybody and instead of having split wagons it’s important to have some consolidation. And at least if I’m right then I’ve told yall since D2 so I have that going for me.

I don’t think it’s Frost. And if yall are making me choose between Frost and Guava, I have been burned before by Guava vs Me just pocketing each other a lot and then heelturning. Plus the fact that Guava was voting me earlier is a cause of concern.

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VOTE: guavagudetama

At this point idk what I can do to convince y’all so I think we just lose due to a skill issue on my end

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Guava, if it’s not you please try and do something to prove it to the rest of the town. I’ve thought that you’ve been towny but I don’t get why you would defend me a ton and now just try to stab me in the back last second when I’d been attempting to go for several different things which would just screw my team over (If I were wolf with literally any of the possible candidates) and/or would just screw me over (If I were wolf).