Kittens Game: Combinatorics Mafia - GAME OVER, TOWN WIN

hi Ash

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Hi Zug.

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nah im just finding it odd that like
thereā€™s 0 pushback

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Didnā€™t notice that, but now that you mention it, Someone being the only resistance and that resistance being based upon not the people but the number of people is peculiar.

Thatā€™s been in the back of my mind, but Iā€™m not too concerned currently because itā€™s only been <4 hours since game start, and many people havenā€™t even posted yet.

@Bionicā€™s vote does look strange and unexplained though.

God, I need to watch fewer British films.

nah that sentence was not hard to parse
I have posted much worseā€¦

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Yeah, youā€™re probably right.

The weird thing to me is that if this ends up as a 1/3, Kiirumaā€™s very obviously the 1 in 3, so it just seems like an unnecessary risk for mafia to take.

Iā€™ve leaned towards Kii being the most likely 1 in 3 here, yeah, but why is it obvious?

Like, I donā€™t have to read myself, and yet Iā€™m still not nearly that confident on this

They were the one that really pushed the you-him-Tutuu trio, at least from what I remember reading.

They were probably the most prominent pusher, but that still feels like way too little to base a read on.

Presumably, you see a possibility of T!Kii here (or else youā€™d be wolfreading him already). And if you can see T!Kii currently, why canā€™t you see him as a wrong townie, in the case weā€™re 1/3? Do you have strong reasons to TR me and Tutuu?

Ok, quickly backread.
Someone proposed you and Tutuu and no one else.
You went with yourself and Tutuu but not Kiiruma.
Kiiruma added himself to create the trio, and thatā€™s what weā€™ve been going with.

He just seems like the dominant force in this game.
Like, weā€™re presumably going to go with the you-him-Tutuu strat, and he inserted himself into that, so Iā€™m trying to determine whether thatā€™s a red flag.
Does that make sense?

I can see what you mean, but I still donā€™t feel itā€™s obvious and near-certain like youā€™re saying it is. Do you really think thereā€™s no chance of W!Me or W!Tutuu?

Itā€™s OK to admit you contradicted yourself or didnā€™t word things correctly by the way - Iā€™ve contradicted myself as town many times before :stuck_out_tongue: (and Iā€™ve made some incorrect tunnels based on various contradictions)

I am currently working under the presumption that you three were jailed and we got a 1/3.
Havenā€™t considered any other possibilities yet.
Will do so at not-1-AM.

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thatā€™s not what I meant tbhtbthbthbthbhtbthb

I mean that, if we did get a 1/3, do you really only think W!Kii is the only possible world?

I think itā€™s by far the most probable.
If yaā€™ll go 1/3, Iā€™m going after Kiiruma.

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Yo, finally able to be on
Iā€™ll be more active tomorrow, rn I have less than an hour